Omni Bus Letter 1 der EU Facilitator with Attachment
Please download the following PDFs Documents:
EN-1-Attachment 1 - CBFP --EU Facilitation Team 2016-2017.docx.pdf (86.9 KiB)
F_Lettre 1_-Premiere lettre-Facilitateur UE.pdf (146.8 KiB)
EN-2-Attachment 2 - CBFP-- EU Facilitation Road Map 2016-2017.docx.pdf (93.4 KiB)
EN-3-Attachment 3 - EU Facilitation proposals on reinforced CBFP governance.docx.pdf (154.2 KiB)
EN-4-Attachment 4 - Minutes from Working meeting in Kinshasa on 11 May 2016.docx.pdf (83.8 KiB)
EN-5-Attachment 5-Contribution bailleurs_en.pdf (79.9 KiB)
En_Letter1_First EU CBFP Facilitator LETTER ENGLISH.pdf (134.0 KiB)
F-Annexe 1 - PFBC -- Equipe de la Facilitation UE 2016-2017.pdf (78.9 KiB)
F-Annexe 2 - PFBC -- Feuille de route de la Facilitation UE 2016-2017.docx.pdf (107.4 KiB)
F-Annexe 3-N - Propositions de la Facilitation UE pour le renforcement de la gouvernance du PFBC.pdf (411.6 KiB)
F-Annexe 4 - Compte-rendu du reunion de travail à Kinshasa le 11 Mai 2016.pdf (91.4 KiB)
F-Annexe 5-N - Contribution collège bailleurs_fr.pdf (83.5 KiB)
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