OFAC-International financial flows to support nature protection and sustainable forest management in Central Africa

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Central Africa is home to the second largest rainforest in the world, the Congo Basin. However, while this massive forest block stores huge amounts of carbon, it receives significantly less international funding than the Amazon and Southeast Asias forests. Financing being a central to combat climate change, this brief summarily presents a study aimed to map international flows supporting the forest and environment sectors in Central Africa.
This publication analyses the funding flows over the last decade in support of nature conservation and sustainable management of the Congo Basin, presents various themes covered by the current financing and identifies possible imbalances.
It also provides a comparative analysis between financing flows to the various forest basins in the world and identifies opportunities for increasing financing for forests in Central Africa. Specifically, it provides data on the Official Development Assistance (ODA) to Central Africa in the period 2008-2017.
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