Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park °° Monthly update

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Nouabale-Ndoki National Park monthly newsletter_JULY 2017.pdf (754.9 KiB)
- Improvements to patrol deployment strategies bore fruit this month with the arrest of ten suspected poachers
- The park director and WCS Congo pilot attended the Regional WCS Aviation Program meeting in Gabon.
- A new baby gorilla was born in the Buka group of habituated gorillas in Mondika.
On July 31st, we celebrated World Ranger Day and honored those who put their lives on the line to protect the magnificent wildlife of Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park. Watch our latest videos here, here and here, a tribute to our brave rangers! We are working to constantly improve our strategy to fight threats to the Park. Through the professionalization of our anti-poaching operations, we have managed to this month make arrests on a third of our patrols, which is an excellent result.
On a happier note, we're excited to announce the birth of a new baby gorilla in Buka's group, one of our two habituated groups in Mondika. If you'd like to pay a visit to Buka and his growing family, book your stay at
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