CEFDHAC-IUCN: The basis for an active synergy entered into a Collaboration Agreement signed in Yaounde
This agreement aims to define and circumscribe the formal framework for collaboration between the Conference on Ecosystems of Dense and Humid Forests of Central Africa (EDHFCA) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) – Cameroon‘ Office for joint action in strategic areas related to the agreement subject covering various fields.
On the 7th February 2012 in Yaounde(Cameroon),Was held at the headquarter
of the Executive Secretariat of COMIFAC the signing ceremony of the
Collaboration Agreement between the Conference on Ecosystems of Dense and Humid
Forests of Central Africa (CEDHFCA) and International Union for Conservation of
Nature (IUCN) - Cameroon Office. It was chaired by the Deputy Executive
Secretary of COMIFAC, Mr Martin TADOUM and enhanced by the effective presence
of the Delegate Facilitator of The Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP),
representatives of partner organizations and institutions of COMIFAC, namely
the GIZ, Support Office to COMIFAC and the Support Programme On Ecosystem
Conservation in the Congo Basin (PACEBCo).
Following the circumstances word
addressed by the Deputy Executive Secretary of COMIFAC M. TADOUM Martin, the
Representative of CEDHFCA, The Honorable ESSOLA ETOA Louis Roger, Chairman of
the Regional Steering Committee of CEDHFCA and the
IUCN Representative, Dr. Leonard Usongo, head of Cameroon’s programme have proceeded to signature
of the collaborative agreement.
This agreement aims to define and
circumscribe the formal framework for
the collaboration between the Conference on Ecosystems of Dense Humid Forests
of Central Africa (CEDHFCA) and the International Union for Conservation of
Nature (IUCN) - Cameroon Office for
joint action in strategic areas related
to the agreement subject and covering
various areas including: the development and implementation of the strategic
plan of COMIFAC, capacity building of CEFDHAC members,The development of partnerships
between CEFDHAC and various involved structures in its missions, the
organization of regional fora and promotion of national forums on issues
related to forest ecosystem management, development and implementation of a communication strategy ...
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