16th meeting of CBFP partners. Proceedings and documentation of Thematic Session-Streams

Streams1 : Forest management policies and land use planning…Stream 2 : Conservation and sustainable use of wildlife resources, including fight against Poaching and wildlife trafficking…Stream 3: Climate Change: Adaptation and Mitigation…Stream 4: sustainable economic development and the private sector…Stream 5: Knowledge-Based Decision-Making.
Documentation of the16th CBFP Meeting of Parties – Plenary – 25th November 2016
Please download the Documents : Here
Streams1 : Forest management policies and land use planning
Please download the Documents of stream1 : Here
Stream 2 : Conservation and sustainable use of wildlife resources, including fight against Poaching and wildlife trafficking
Please download the Documents of stream2 : Here
Stream 3: Climate Change: Adaptation and Mitigation
Please download the Documents of stream3 : Here
Stream 4: sustainable economic development and the private sector
Please download the Documents of stream4 : Here
Stream 5: Knowledge-Based Decision-Making
Please download the Documents of stream5 : Here
View the pictures of the 16th meeting of CBFP partners
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