Save the date: 17th Meeting of the Parties (MOP) of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) - from 24 to 27 october 2017 in Douala, Cameroon and related events

Dear Partner,
The EU Facilitation of CBFP and the Government of Cameroon have reached agreement that the 17th Meeting of the Parties (MOP) of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) shall be organised in Douala (Republic of Cameroon) on 24-27 October. The meeting will be organized with the financial support of the European Union.
The meeting will serve to consolidate the strengthening of CBFP governance initiated under the EU Facilitation, adopt a set of medium term priorities (2018-2022) for the Partnership, consider proposals for annual CBFP priorities and take stock of coordination and harmonization of efforts to promote the Congo Basin’s forest ecosystems. It will provide a framework for promoting broader and fruitful dialogue between partners both within the colleges and from different colleges.
The meeting will include three "streams" focusing respectively on forest governance and land use, biodiversity and wildlife and, climate change (mitigation and adaptation). An exhibition area hosting close to 30 exhibitors will be available for CBFP partners. Further information on to the terms for participating in the exhibition will soon be available on the CBFP website. The meeting agenda will also include a networking slot.
The EU Facilitation of CBFP is calling for a broad participation of CBFP partners and supporters from all sectors and especially from minority groups, women, young people and private sector representatives.
Registration will open on 15th August 2017 and will close on 15 September. No registration will be possible after this deadline. Participation without registration before this deadline will not be possible.
Partners interested in organizing side events during the 17th Meeting of Parties of CBFP are kindly requested to indicate their interest between 15th August and before 15 September 2017 by email to with copy to and This deadline of 15 September must be respected.
We look forward to welcoming you to Douala, Cameroon!
N.B. Participation costs will be borne by the participant
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