CAFI: Gabon and CAFI move forward on Letter of Intent

Gabonese National Investment Framework as "good basis” for negotiations on a LoI
Last week the CAFI Executive Board and the Government of Gabon took a major step in their partnership to advance and implement the Gabon National Investment Plan, a plan seeking to implement the country’s forest-based commitments under the Paris Climate Agreement.
Following a detailed discussion with Ludovic Ngok Banak, Advisor to the Minister of Economy, Sustainable Development and Promotion of Investments, Tangy Gahouma, Director of the Gabonese Space Agency (AGEOS) and Lee White, Forests and Agriculture co-ordinator at Gabon’s National Climate Council, the CAFI Board agreed that the National Investment plan was “a good basis to initiate negotiations on a Letter of Intent (LOI)”, and mandated Norway, on behalf of the Board, to lead such negotiations with the Gabonese government.
"Gabon started protecting its forest 50 years ago, reminded Mr. Gahouma, and has not waited for international negotiations to do so. Our carbon stocks represent a third of all global emissions: we are aware of our responsibility for the future of the planet". "We need to find opportunities for economic growth", he added, "including with agriculture, while respecting our climate commitments."
The CAFI Board is entering negotiations with the intention of protecting forests with high carbon stocks and high conservation value, considering carbon-neutral approaches, and principles relating to transparency, civil society participation, land tenure rights and gender equality, in line with Gabon's international commitments.
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