LCBC- Report on thematic mapping of the Lake Chad Basin
Please download: The Report on thematic mapping of the Lake Chad Basin
The maps show occupancy patterns in the territories of the Lake Chad Basin. They highlight the importance of biological resources and agro-sylvo-pastoral activities. They equally demonstrate the importance of hydro-agricultural infrastructure as a necessary driver of the area's economic development. They help to identify and anticipate potential conflict zones that can lead to an escalation of violence between States or between actors using the resources.
Over the long term, the maps are expected to guide decision-making for more efficient management of biological resources, especially the water of the Lake Chad Basin, as the latter becomes an increasingly scarce resource due to climate change. The population's water needs, however, are growing in tandem with the area's demographic growth which ranges from 2.4 to 2.5%. In the near future, water will be a real source of tension between States and especially between different actors.
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