The Report of a study plaid for a quickly implementation of the COMIFAC financial autonomous mechanism


Between 2005 and 2010, close to 600 million dollars were incurred in Cameroon and Burundi by partner states and by multi-donors funding instruments, for both national and regional initiatives. In addition, the "technical financial partners (TFP) commitments/equal contribution" ratio amounts to 1,200 for Cameroon and about 450 for Burundi. 



The Facilitation of the CBFP in close cooperation with the Executive  Secretariat of the COMIFAC is very pleased to announce that the “study of international financial contributions in favour of the sustainable conservation and management of Central African forest ecosystems following the alignment of programmes and projects with the strategic areas of COMIFAC Convergence Plan. Cameroon and Burundi case studies” is now available and has already been published for free download on the CBFP website: Here


This subject which was deeply dealt with during the last CBFP Regional advisory committee’s meeting (held in Bujumbura May 26-27th, 2011) is a great step towards the autonomous financial mechanism of the COMIFAC.


docs/doc_intern/GT COMIFAC/PFBC - Etude contribution financiere - Page couverture.jpgPlease download the synthesis report of the study under the following links:


National and international financial contributions in favor of the forestry sector of Cameroon between 2005 and 2010: From incurred contribution to amounts paid out following the alignment of programmes and projects with the points of COMIFAC Convergence Plan.


National and international financial contributions in favour of the forestry sector of Burundi between 2005 and 2010: From incurred contribution to the amounts paid out following the alignment of programmes and projects with the points of COMIFAC Convergence Plan.


In fact, it is in the perspective of the holding of the 9th Regional Consultative Committee of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) in Bujumbura, end of May 2011 that this study was requested by the CBFP Facilitation, represented by Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).


In fact, important matters are being examined, a major one being undoubtedly the effective implementation of COMIFAC financial autonomous mechanism, which is often blamed for its poor capacity of intervention due to its limited resources. Though not endowed with a direct mandate to carry out forest ecosystems sustainable management activities, COMIFAC is however expected to play its representation role at the international level, to develop its institutional communication and the durability of its operational costs for increased credibility from its technical and financial partners. Its member states are therefore fully responsible for its structure capacity.


Technical and financial partners, more and more supportive of the sustainable management of forests in the Congo Basin, have been for more than 10 years involved in the institutional construction of COMIFAC, a regional organization with the mandate of harmonizing sub-regional policies and coordinating any initiative in line with its Convergence plan, a unique reference tool of strategic planning since 2005.


This study of international financial contributions in favour of the sustainable conservation and management of Central African forest ecosystems following the alignment of programmes and projects with the strategic areas of COMIFAC Convergence Plan is intended to check, and even demonstrate the lever effect of national contribution compared to external contributions. Cameroon and Burundi were first investigated, during the reference period of January 2005 – December 2010, the purpose of this study. Its conclusions can be e

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asily adapted to other COMIFAC member countries.


During this period, close to 600 million dollars were incurred in Cameroon and Burundi by partner states and by multi-donors funding instruments, for both national and regional initiatives. The ratio of "Technical and Financial Partners incurred contribution to national contribution during the stated period" amounts to 3 for Cameroon and almost 7 for Burundi. For paid out amounts, this ratio is almost equal to 2 for Cameroon and more than 3 for Burundi.


Contributions from various COMIFAC States were also compared following COMIFAC funding calculation: from the current equal contribution method towards the autonomous funding mechanism encouraged since 2006 and put in place in a country of the sub-region. The "TFP commitments/equal contribution" ratio amounts to 1,200 for Cameroon and about 450 for Burundi. If the autonomous funding mechanism were put in place, outside contributions would reach a ratio 20 times higher than Cameroon contribution and about 90 times that of Burundi.


Another approach, more qualitative, was to analyze COMIFAC added value in terms of non monetary advantages for Cameroon and Burundi actors. The conclusion seems simple: At different levels, progress regarding common understanding, image boosting and sub-regional contribution to global dynamics, capacity building of national actors (at institutional or personal level), etc. were directly reinforced due to the existence of COMIFAC and of all activities closely or remotely related to the performance of training, negotiation, representation, and sensitization activities, etc. The process is on the right track, despite some imperfections.


Please download the complete report of the study: Here


Please download the synthesis report of the study under the following links: Cameroon and Burundi


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