Pro Poor REDD+ Project: Publication by IUCN on REDD+: “Tackling REDD+ in Cameroon: Background, Stakes and Options for a National Strategy”
Hereunder is a publication by UICN on REDD+: “Tackling REDD+ in Cameroon: Background, Stakes and Options for a National Strategy” This document was prepared with the financial support of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign affairs (DANIDA) as part of the project “Towards Pro Poor REDD+: Building Synergies between Forest Governance, Equitable Benefit Sharing and Reduce Emissions through Sustainable Forest Management in Five Tropical Countries”, and the Congo Basin Forest Fund (CBFF) as part of the project “Supporting multi-stakeholder participation in the REDD+ process” It was designed to propose a vision or a framework that could inspire the government in designing and implementing its national REDD+ strategy, as well as its climate change mitigation plan.
Also available: Results and lessons learnt from UICN interventions for REDD+ in Cameroon, as well as a policy note on the Pro Poor approach as part of the Towards Pro Poor REDD+ project whose first phase ended in June.
Please download under the following links:
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