ITTO News release: New global teak study released

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IUFRO_WS36_-ITTO_Teak.pdf (3.0 Mo)
The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) recently published an ITTO-commissioned global study on teak, one of the world’s most valuable tropical hardwoods.
Teak timber is highly sought-after in global markets for its beauty, strength, stability and durability in a wide range of applications, from furniture, to interior joinery, to cultural uses. Recognizing the importance of teak, ITTO commissioned experts from IUFRO, FAO and TEAKNET to conduct a global study of best practices in the conservation of teak genetic resources and the sustainable management of teak forests in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
The report, published as Volume 36 in the IUFRO World Series, covers findings of a recent ex-post evaluation of an ITTO project on the ex-situ and in-situ conservation of teak in Myanmar, plus a comprehensive review and analysis of other teak-related ITTO projects in Côte d’Ivoire, Ecuador, Ghana, Indonesia and Panama. Guided by these evaluation results, a team of experts synthesized globally available, state-of-the-art scientific information and empirical knowledge on teak to compile this comprehensive global teak study. Subjects addressed in the report include:
- genetic resource conservation and management;
- natural teak forest silviculture and stand management;
- the establishment and management of planted teak forests;
- wood quality; and
- the economics, production, markets and trade of teak.
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