ITTO-New SFM training modules for practitioners
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The conventional concept of sustained yield forest development has recently evolved towards sustainable forest development (SFD) and more broadly, sustainable forest management (SFM).
There are various definitions for sustainable forest management, each highlighting different characteristics (Leroy et al., 2013), sometimes owing to particular realities on the ground and in some cases determined by the specific purpose the user deems appropriate for his use of the forest (Douglas and Simula, 2010 IN Blaser and Sabogal, 2011).
Sustainable forest management is "a form of ecological forest management which sets criteria, indicators, social and environmental objectives, in addition to economic objectives for forest management. It thus helps to maintain biodiversity and ensure the viability of all forest ecosystems, while at the same time addressing the socio-economic need to use forest resources, wood, fauna, flora or landscapes" (Samyn et al., 2011).
The International Tropical Timber Organization defines SFM as "aiming to achieve one or more clearly specified objectives of management with regard to the production of a continuous flow of desired forest products and services without undue reduction of its inherent values and future productivity and without undue undesirable effects on the physical and social environment." (ITTO, 1992; Blaser and Sabogal, 2011). To address these concerns, ITTO has developed, in partnership with the African Timber Organization (OAB), Principles, Criteria and Indicators (PCI ATO-ITTO; ITTO, 2003) of sustainable management of Africa’s natural tropical forests which must now serve as a frame of reference both for policy makers and users of forest and wildlife resources.
In this connection, this module will provide learners with skills and knowledge in sustainable forest management aimed at maintaining and enhancing economic, social and environmental benefits provided by forests on behalf of present and future generations.
The proposed schedules for each course of module 1 are presented in the following table:
For more information, please download the document below:
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