IISD-FYR Macedonia, Trinidad and Tobago, Benin and US Announce Climate Plans
Secretariat has reported that the former Yugoslav Republic (fYR) of Macedonia, Trinidad and Tobago, and Benin have formally submitted intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs), bringing the total number of Parties to have done so to 53. In addition, the US Government finalized its Clean Power Plan, an integral part of its INDC submitted on 31 March 2015.
According to its INDC, submitted on 5 August 2015, fYR Macedonia intends to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil-fuel combustion by 30%, or 36% under a higher ambition scenario, by 2030 compared to business-as-usual (BAU). This target, which focuses on the energy supply, buildings and transport sectors, covers almost 80% of total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the country. The INDC does not rule out the possibility of using international market mechanisms to meet its mitigation goals. While emphasizing the importance of adaptation, the INDC leaves adaptation to a future analysis.
Submitted on 6 August 2015, Trinidad and Tobago's INDC includes: an unconditional target of reducing its public transportation emissions by 30% by 31 December 2030 compared to 2013 levels; and a conditional target of reducing the combined emissions of the power generation, transportation and industrial sectors by 15% compared to BAU. The latter target is conditional on receiving international financing, in addition to domestic resources, to meet the estimated US$2 billion requirement to meet the target. The INDC does not address international market mechanisms, nor detail the country's intended adaptation activities.
Benin submitted its INDC on 7 August 2015, committing to lower emissions in its production, energy consumption, transport, agriculture and forestry sectors, despite the fact that GHG sequestration is higher than GHG emissions in Benin. The INDC outlines the actions Benin plans to take to achieve its goals, and a section on adaptation describes impacts to which Benin is vulnerable and lays out programmes and projects that will increase resilience and generate mitigation co-benefits. Benin does not intend to use international mechanisms to reach its goals.
On 3 August 2015, US President Barack Obama and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the release of the final Clean Power Plan, which regulates carbon pollution from power plants in the US for the first time, using authority under the US Clean Air Act. The Plan is expected to cut pollution in the power sector 32% below 2005 levels by 2030. Under the final rule, the EPA has set state-by-state targets, while giving states the flexibility to meet the targets as they see fit. States are expected to submit their initial plans by September 2016. The rule also encourages investment in and deployment of renewable energy.
For more informations, please read more: Here
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