World Conservation Congress - High-level session of Congo Basin leaders - Thursday 2 September, Room 312 from 2.30 p.m. - 4.30 p.m.

Date: 2 September 2016
Venue: Room 312
Time: 2.30 p.m.-4.30 p.m.
President of the session: Acting President of COMIFAC
Moderator: European Union CBFP Facilitator
Opening ceremony
- Welcome statement: Acting President of COMIFAC
- Introductory remarks on the importance of the conservation of Congo Basin forest ecosystems and appeal for international assistance: IUCN General Directorate
The following main speakers will have 5 minutes to make their presentations:
- COMIFAC Executive Secretary
- Minister of Forestry and Wildlife of Cameroon
- Minister of Forest Economy, the Environment and Sustainable Development of the Congo
- Minister of Environment, Nature Conservation, and Sustainable Development of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Minister of Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources, Forests and the Sea of Gabon
- ADB President:
The debate segment could open with 3-minute speeches from some of the sub-region’s strategic conservation partners. In this case, partners would register their requests to speak and be included in the list of speakers. The speeches should focus primarily on new commitments and future directions for the Convergence Plan 2 implementation support program.
For more information, kindly download… Session Leaders Bassin Congo_ Hawaï_vers.29 juin 2016-2.pdf (314.8 Ko)
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