COMIFAC Countries Adopt a Common Position in View of the Tenth Conference of the Parties (CdP 10) of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
Members of the Workgroup for the follow-up of COMIFAC UNCCD (GTCCD), during their fourth meeting (GTCCD 4) in Douala harmonized their views concerning the stakes of CdP10, made a halfway evaluation of GTCCD 2011 roadmap implementation and adopted the synoptic framework for the sharing of information on the implementation of UNCCD in Central Africa.
Douala (Cameroon), 17-19 August 2011 – In line with the preparation of UNCCD CdP 10, holding of the fourth GTCCD meeting. Deliberations were opened by Mr Raymond Mbitikon, COMIFAC Executive Secretary (ES). The UNCCD focal points of the following countries attended the meeting: Burundi, Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, and Chad. Representatives of some sub-regional institutions and international organizations were also present, namely: The Economic Community of Central African States (CEEAC), COMIFAC, UNCCD Global Mechanism, RIOD Africa (International Network of NGOs on Desertification), the German Technical Cooperation (GIZ) and the representative of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (PFBC). The meeting was moderated by Mr Chouaïbou NCHOUTPOUEN, in charge of GTCCD follow-up at COMIFAC ES, with Mr Martial AGONDOGO and Mr Pierre BATOUNGADIO as assessors, respectively UNCCD Focal Points for Gabon and for Congo (Group photograph of GTCCD workshop in Bujumbura - 14 to 17 June 2011).
Following three days of intense deliberations, UNCCD Focal Points examined and validated the synoptic framework for the sharing of information on the implementation of UNCCD in Central Africa. They reviewed the state of preparedness of national delegations (their composition, logistic aspects, etc.) and evaluated the level of implementation of the roadmap. Concerning this, they noted an encouraging implementation rate of 78% with more than 15% of other activities being carried out. This is indicative of better perspectives for this year as far as GTCCD is concerned. An appraisal of PAR/LCD-AC (Sub-regional action programme to combat land degradation and desertification) implementation was made. Concerning this, COMIFAC deputy ES recalled the three priority domains of the programme, validated in 2008 and built upon clear strategic objectives and guidelines (complementarity, subsidiarity, synergy and actors’ participation). They included: the concerted management of cross-border transhumance, the sustainable management of joint water resources, and information management (early warning system).
Moreover, focal points reviewed the different points of CdP10 agenda and identified relevant themes for Central Africa. They unanimously acknowledged CdP 10 decision proposals and adopted the common positions of CEEAC/COMIFAC countries on key CdP10 themes. They also defined an intervention framework for Central African countries during the regional CdP10 preparatory meeting and during CdP10 itself. Thus, the main negotiators of the sub-region, as well as Central African representatives in the group of CdP10 African negotiators were appointed. For the first group, these are UNCCD Focal Points for Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Chad. And for the second group, these are UNCDD Focal Points for Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Rwanda and Sao Tome and Principe.
These encouraging results indicate that they shall be welcome at CdP 10, UNCCD from 10 to 21 October 2011 in Changwon (South Korea) and also, at CdP10 regional consultation preparatory meeting for Africa scheduled to hold from 5 to 9 September 2011.
To learn more, please download Worshop Final Report or contact Mr Chouaïbou Nchoutpouen (, from COMIFAC Executive Secretariat.
Please, read again:
♦ Les conclusions de l’atelier du GTCCD tenu récemment à Bujumbura du 14 au 17 juin 2011 o organized with the collaboration the Burundian Government, CCD Global Mechanism, CCD Secretariat and the German Cooperation (GIZ) on building the capacities of CCD Focal Points in order to align NAPs on the ten-year strategy (2008-2018) pursuant to decision 3/COP 8.
♦ The Conclusions of the Third COMIFAC GTCCD Meeting, held on 20 and 21 January 2011 in Kigali, Rwanda in order to evaluate the state of progress of the implementation of GTCCD second meeting recommendations and to prepare the CRIC 9. During this workshop, the 2011 roadmap of the group was designed and adopted.
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