High representation of the Congo Basin at GEO-6

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The Intergovernmental Meeting on the Sixth Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-6) opened on Monday, 21 January 2019, at the UNEP headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. In the morning, delegates listened to opening statements, elected officers for the meeting, and adopted the meeting agenda. For the rest of the day, countries shared their general views on the draft Summary for Policymakers (SPM). Starting Tuesday, delegates will begin a line-by-line review of the draft SPM and make specific suggestions for changes.
General Statements on the SPM
In general statements, the EU, supported by many others, including LAO PDR, expressed their gratitude to the experts for the work done to produce GEO-6. The EU, with NORWAY, noted that the SPM will be instrumental for furthering discussions at UNEA-4, the High-level Political Forum (HLPF), and the development of the Global Sustainable Development Report.
The DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO suggested clarifying a statement on the contribution of peatlands to storing carbon, to note that most peatlands in the Congo Basin remain pristine.
GABON called for incorporating action points from the Libreville Declaration on Health and Environment. The WOMEN MAJOR GROUP noted that the GEO needs to translate language on education into policy language; called for synergies related to data, innovation, science and traditional knowledge to ensure equitable benefits; and highlighted the need to include information related to the second Global Chemicals Outlook (GCO II).
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