GEF-7 Replenishment Next Meeting in Brasilia (Brazil) -Focus on Central Africa - "Harvest" figures and representation at the 53rd Global Environment Facility (GEF) Council



Toward the GEF-7 Third Replenishment Meeting - Next Meeting in Brasília, Brazil on January 23-25, 2018



The level of Central Africa's contribution to the GEF 7 programming phase is crucial in ensuring a subsequent "harvest of the fruits".



Lessons learned from GEF 6 on placing emphasis on Central Africa could enrich the discussions. By way of reminder, GEF 6 received pledges from contributors / "donors" amounting to USD 4.43 billion.





GEF-7 Replenishment (Third Meeting) Working Documents - The third meeting will take place in Brasília, Brazil on January 23-25, 2018



GEF-7 Replenishment (Second Meeting) - Summary of the Co-Chairs - 2nd Meeting for the 7th Replenishment of Resources of the GEF Trust Fund  took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on October 3-5, 2017. –

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First GEF-7 Replenishment Meeting, in Paris, France on March 29-30, 2017 - Summary of the Co-Chairs - 1st Meeting for the 7th Replenishment of Resources of the GEF Trust Fund…

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Technical experts review GEF-7 replenishment priorities : The Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs), spanning the different proposed priority themes for the next GEF replenishment (GEF-7), discussed potential gaps, synergies and suggestions for future GEF investments laid out in a draft programming directions framework.

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Read again : GEF 6 - Record Funding for the Global Environment  -  US$ 4.43 billion pledged for the Global Environment Facility...

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Focus on Central Africa- Figures of the “harvest” and representation at the 53rd Global Environment Facility (GEF) Council


A call for greater collaboration on the part of Central African countries who should form close ranks in order to steer GEF Council decision-making towards increased resource mobilization on par with Central Africa’s “heritage”


Reviewing the “harvest” from the last GEF Board Meeting in October 2017… Of the USD500 million for the work program approved by the GEF Council: USD 16.8 million were earmarked for the DRC, USD 3 million for Cameroon and USD 43.5 for multi-country projects including USD 13.5 million (Mali, Niger, Chad) and USD 20 million (Benin, Sao Tome and Principe, Togo)



Attached is an excel spreadsheet and an excerpt in Word format for Central Africa

 Source: GEF - Agenda Item 10 - WORK PROGRAM FOR GEF TRUST FUND - GEF/C.53/13 October 31, 2017:


Find out more… GEF: Central Africa mobilizes at 53rd Council of Global Environment Facility (GEF)



Representation of Central Africa within the GEF Board



Council Member




Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Congo DR, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Sao Tome and Principe

Ms. Antoinette Macumi

Minister Advisor
Ministry of Water, Environment, Lands Management and Urban Planning
Avenue de la Cathedral No.8 BP 631
Tel: +257 22 22 49 79
Date of Appointment: Sep, 2015

Mr. Louis Leandre Ebobola Tsibah

General Director
General Directory for Environment and the Protection of Nature
Immeuble de L'Economie Forestiere Bouleward Triomphal BP 3903
Tel: + 241766181, + 2410 6233110
Fax: 011 241766181
Date of Appointment: Sep, 2015




Source : Constituencies, Council Members and Alternates





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