GCF: GCF lays climate finance groundwork in Africa and the Pacific

The Green Climate Fund’s latest expansion of assistance to countries preparing to implement climate finance is targeting Africa and the Pacific.
GCF has provided USD 700,000 to the Ministry of Natural Resources of Rwanda, a GCF direct access Accredited Entity, to assist the development of projects under the Fund’s Project Preparation Facility (PPF). This is an additional tranche within a USD 1.5 million grant under this funding package, which GCF provides to support various phases in developing climate finance projects.
The Fund has also disbursed USD 120,000 to Mauritania for activities under GCF’s Readiness Programme, which provides developing countries with resources to enhance country ownership and access to climate finance.
Through a partnership with United Nations Environment, over USD 1.4 million have been disbursed to help boost the capacities for climate programmes in Egypt, Ghana, Jordan, Maldives, Nepal and Tonga.
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