Documentation of the17th CBFP Meeting of Parties – Stream1: Forest governance and land use
Stream Coach: Emmanuel Heuse
Stream Dates: Wednesday 25th / Thursday 26th of October 2017
Thematic: How to address the lack of adequate regulation of the fast growing national and regional timber markets in the Congo Basin?
View images of the 17th CBFP Meeting of Parties
Please download the Stream 1 agenda here below:
2-Stream 1 - CBFP background paper.pdf (285.9 Ko)
1-PFBC - 17ème Réunion des Partenaires - Stream 1 Concept Note v4 _FR_.pdf (197.0 Ko)
3-Stream 1 du PFBC - Document de synthèse.pdf (341.0 Ko)
Please download the presentations of Day 1
1. Recommandations de Kigali.pdf (598.0 Ko)
2. Exposé_DF_PFBC.pdf (1.7 Mo)
3a. Présentation OFAC Stream 1.pdf (552.9 Ko)
3b. Presentation_Atlas-Stream1-17ième-RdP-Draft2.pdf (1.6 Mo)
4. MOUSSAVOU_AGEOS_24 Oct_Douala.pdf (32.2 Mo)
5. WRI_CBFP presentation.pdf (4.1 Mo)
7. FSC_FPP_Project Launching_FAO_OK.pdf (3.2 Mo)
8. PP WWF Biodiv Mines vs PFBC.pdf (11.7 Mo)
11. UICN_Présentation Restauration des paysages (PFBC_Douala Oct 2017).pdf (2.1 Mo)
Please download the presentations of Day 2
1 CIDT - CBFP Presentation - background paper 25102017.pdf (1.3 Mo)
2 Etudes du CIFOR_fr_.pdf (371.5 Ko)
3. PFBC_Pstation_OFAC_EvolFiliereBois_Vf.pdf (2.0 Mo)
4a. FLEGT WATCH CIDTTropenbos 26092017.pdf (1.2 Mo)
4b. PFBC Presentation CIDT2.pdf (1.1 Mo)
5. PFBC stream 1 ATIBT PME - octobre 2017.pdf (2.1 Mo)
6. Présentation PPECF-17 RdP PFBC.pptx.pdf (936.6 Ko)
8. Vandenhaute_FAO.pdf (3.3 Mo)
9.pamphile_présentation_PFBC.pdf (801.3 Ko)
Please download below the Stream 1 presentations:
- 1 CIDT - CBFP Presentation - background paper 25102017.pdf (1.3 MiB)
- 1-PFBC - 17ème Réunion des Partenaires - Stream 1 Concept Note v4 _FR_.pdf (197.0 KiB)
- 1. Recommandations de Kigali.pdf (598.0 KiB)
- 2 Etudes du CIFOR_fr_.pdf (371.5 KiB)
- 2-Stream 1 - CBFP background paper.pdf (285.9 KiB)
- 2. Exposé_DF_PFBC.pdf (1.7 MiB)
- 3-Stream 1 du PFBC - Document de synthèse.pdf (341.0 KiB)
- 3. PFBC_Pstation_OFAC_EvolFiliereBois_Vf.pdf (2.0 MiB)
- 3a. Présentation OFAC Stream 1.pdf (552.9 KiB)
- 3b. Presentation_Atlas-Stream1-17ième-RdP-Draft2.pdf (1.6 MiB)
- 4. MOUSSAVOU_AGEOS_24 Oct_Douala.pdf (32.2 MiB)
- 4a. FLEGT WATCH CIDTTropenbos 26092017.pdf (1.2 MiB)
- 4b. PFBC Presentation CIDT2.pdf (1.1 MiB)
- 5. PFBC stream 1 ATIBT PME - octobre 2017.pdf (2.1 MiB)
- 5. WRI_CBFP presentation.pdf (4.1 MiB)
- 6. Présentation PPECF-17 RdP PFBC.pptx.pdf (936.6 KiB)
- 7. FSC_FPP_Project Launching_FAO_OK.pdf (3.2 MiB)
- 8. PP WWF Biodiv Mines vs PFBC.pdf (11.7 MiB)
- 8. Vandenhaute_FAO.pdf (3.3 MiB)
- 9.pamphile_présentation_PFBC.pdf (801.3 KiB)
- 11. UICN_Présentation Restauration des paysages (PFBC_Douala Oct 2017).pdf (2.1 MiB)
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