Fao: New strategy for FAO’s REDD+ and National Forest Monitoring teams to focus on expanded technical expertise

22 December 2016, Rome - A new strategy for FAO’s REDD+ and National Forest Monitoring teams will expand their technical expertise to address broader elements of the international effort to reduce emissions and deal with deforestation.
Development of the strategy was the central theme at a two-day workshop this week, which took stock of past work on the REDD+ programme at FAO and discussed its future direction.
“The new strategy will develop broader elements of REDD+—other policies and measures including investment strategies, agroforestry, restoration, governance, tenure and law enforcement,” said Tiina Vahanen, FAO’s Coordinator of REDD+.
During the workshop in Rome headquarters, FAO experts from all over the world discussed elements of the “Vision 2020” for FAO’s work on REDD+ in the context of major new global agreements, particularly the Paris Agreement and funding arrangements like the Green Climate Fund.
Presentations highlighted work by teams in Sri Lanka and Latin America in contributing to countries’ REDD+ readiness preparations.
For more Information, please check: HERE
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