CBFP Governance at WORK - Civil society organizations -College 2 around the CBFP Facilitator in Yaounde (Cameroon)

Please download the Document here below: Déclaration du collège 2- du PFBC.pdf (80.2 Ko)
At the 2002 World Sustainable Development Summit in Johannesburg, in the face of the threat to Congo Basin forests, the Congo Basin Forests Partnership (CBFP) was launched. The so-called type 2 partnership, is non-binding, and unites roughly seventy-eight partners including African countries, donors and donor countries, international organizations, NGOs, representatives of research institutions and the private sector.
The CBFP has always sought to improve the effectiveness of technical and financial contributions raised towards the preservation of Congo Basin forests, by fostering the conservation and sustainable management of forest ecosystems. To this end, it works closely with the Central African Forest Commission (COMIFAC), which is the regional body responsible for coordinating and harmonizing forest and environmental policy.
From the very start, the CBFP Facilitation’s mandate as discharged by the European Union for the period 2016-17 pursued the programmatic objective of handing the CBFP Facilitation over to COMIFAC by 2018. In addition, its draft roadmap aims to strengthen and develop the CBFP’s governance framework in order maintain its relevance and increase its impact and sustainability on the one hand, and gather the different partners within seven colleges on the other hand. The colleges, including College 2 (Civil Society), should be given a greater role in helping to address the challenges facing COMIFAC and those related to the implementation of the Convergence Plan,
And noting that CEFDHAC and ACRN networks were recognized as the main catalysts in establishing College 2, the civil society actors making up those organizations;
Thank the European Facilitation for the trust it has placed in their respective organizations which are therefore ipso facto, jointly and severally responsible for the proper functioning of the said College under the guidance of the CBFP Facilitator Delegate;
Take ownership of the principles set out, as well as the objectives and priority actions outlined in the European Facilitation roadmap;
Welcome the CBFP European Facilitation’s initiative to group the partners into colleges in a bid to improve the effectiveness of each member as they will certainly be more active within their colleges, in the interval between annual plenary meetings;
Please click the link below to access the full statement: Statement by CBFP College 2 members during CBFP Facilitator, Mr Anders Henriksson’s visit:
Déclaration du collège 2- du PFBC.pdf (80.2 Ko)
Please download the minutes of the meeting of the European Union CBFP Facilitator with civil society organizations in Rwanda:
Compte rendu reunion UE PFBC et SC a Kigali aout 2016.pdf (5.5 Mo)
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