2015 Annual report, Forest Carbon Partnership Facility
Please download the; 2015 Annual report, Forest Carbon Partnership Facility.
The 2015 Fiscal Year (FY15) report follows the structure of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Program Level Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework, adopted by the Participants Committee (PC) at its 14th meeting in March 2013. The M&E Framework is designed to keep track of the Facility’s performance in a way that helps ensure lessons can be learned and adaptive management is possible at the Facility level.
In line with the M&E Framework’s Performance Measurement Framework (PMF), this year’s annual report provides information on the main achievements related to the intermediate impacts, outcomes (aligned with the four FCPF objectives), and outputs (short-term results), which together provide a strategic overview of the FCPF (see Figure 1). Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound (SMART) indicators hav e been developed at the level of impact, outcome, and output to track the progress of the FCPF. The targets for each indicator have been designed in a way that ensures results can be achieved within the life span of the Facility.
This report also builds on the reporting structure at the country level, which began last year—moving away from reporting on activities only and allowing for systematic, country-specific assessment of readiness progress. As the FCPF’s main focus has been on readiness and on laying the ground for future REDD+ activities and piloting performance-based payment systems, it is somewhat limited in its ability to report on longer-term and impactlevel indicators at this stage. (Impact assessments will be part of the independent evaluations as planned in the M&E Framework.)
For more Information, please consult the following 2015 Annual report, Forest Carbon Partnership Facility, PDF Documents:
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