Welcome to our New Partner "FORM International"!


“FORM International” officially adheres to the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP), approves its cooperation framework and contributes to support the implementation of COMIFAC Convergence Plan.


Hatten, Holland, 23 March 2012 – “FORM International” officially confirmed its desire to join the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP).  In this perspective, Form International is aware of the cooperation framework of CBFP members and agrees to comply with the principles of sustainable management of forest ecosystems in Central Africa and to support the implementation of COMIFAC Convergence Plan.


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FORM International (FORM) is a Dutch international forestry consultancy firm specialized in in the field of sustainable forest management with a wide range of experience in the preparation, implementation and co-ordination of projects.


Its vision comprises two compatible pillars: sustainable forest management for existing forests and reforestation of degraded (forest) lands. The ultimate goal is a world where sustainable forest management and forest plantations are the norm, taking into consideration the stakes of people, ecology and economy. FORM’s mission is to promote sustainable management of natural and plantation forests. To achieve this, it provides high quality consulting services and works in cooperation with local stakeholders. Certification support, Reduced Impact Logging trainings and technical assistance to plantation & reforestation programs are examples of the services offered by FORM International.


Since its establishment in 1992, FORM International has mainly worked on projects in West-and Central Africa assisting forest companies to establish a management plan and to obtain FSC certification. For example, FORM assisted Wijma to obtain the first FSC certificate in Cameroon and the Congo Basin. FORM assisted more than 20 companies in the Congo Basin with a total area of over 5 million ha of forest concessions. In cooperation with TFF, projects have been implemented to establish a Regional Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) center for Central Africa (Gabon) and numerous RIL trainings have been provided by FORM International.


Since 2011 FORM International is coordinator of the Congo Basin Program, financed by IDH (Sustainable Trade Initiative) and thus responsible for the implementation of the program that aims to increase the surface of certified forest by 4 million ha by 2015. In order to achieve their objectives,  FORM International works with many different  partners: WWF/GFTN, Forestry companies, and service providers (NGO and consultancies).


FORM International’s letter of adherence, formally submitted to the CBFP Facilitation, outlines in this framework, “it’s mainly in this context [IDH’s Congo Basin Program] that FORM is interested in becoming a member of the CBFP. With a large program like this it is important to ensure regional imbedding and active involvement of stakeholders.”


FORM International believes that it is valuable to continue on this road and find a way to harmonize their program activities with that of other programs and international as well as national initiatives.  Looking at the objectives of the Congo Basin Program, they are certain that it has added value to the COMIFAC Convergence Plan, mainly on the axes 5 and 7. At the same time FORM International is also active on axis 3 via daughter company FORM Ghana Ltd that continues to expand its activities.


{0>"Bienvenue" á notre nouveau partenaire du secteur privé.<}100{>Welcome to our new private sector partner!<0} 


Veuillez vous diriger vers le site web de « FORM International » pour de plus amples information: http://www.forminternational.nl/index/50/65/home.php


Congo Basin Program - For more information about our project "Congo Basin Program" please click here


FORM Valuations - "Boosting Investments in Sustainable Forestry and Forest Carbon" - Read more...


Update on the TFF Gabon Project - Developments since the completion of the first phase of the project - Read more...


In 2007 the joint venture FORM Ghana was established. More information regarding the activities of FORM Ghana can be found on the website: www.formghana.com

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