Field Legality Advisory Group (FLAG): the CBFP’s new partner!

Established in 2012, the Field Legality Advisory Group is a regional non-governmental organization active in Cameroon, the CAR, the DRC and the Republic of Congo. It works to promote sustainable and rational management of the Congo Basin’s forest resources by supporting the implementation of Independent Observation of forest law enforcement and compliance with REDD+ principles and standards.
In the framework of its missions, the Field Legality Advisory Group has established formal partnerships with civil society representatives by supporting State agencies in charge of forest management. These partnerships include ongoing collaboration with the Centre for Environmental Information and Sustainable Development(CIEDD) in the CAR to implement the strategy for independent observation of forestry activities by civil society.
In the RDC, FLAG works with the Organization of Congolese Ecologists and the Friends of Nature (Ocean), the Population Support Center for multi-sectoral development (CADEM) and the Observatory for Forest Governance (OGF) on decentralizing the independent observation of forest law enforcement in the DRC.
The Field Legality Advisory Group (FLAG) is also cooperating with the Support Forum for Sustainable Forest Management (CAGDF) in the Congo on a REDD independent observation pilot mission, while its current work in Cameroon, focuses on verifying timber legality with World Bank financing provided through the “Promoting competitiveness of sectors with high growth potential” Project.
Overall, the activities of the Field Legality Advisory Group fall squarely in line with the six priority axes of intervention of the revised COMIFAC convergence plan.
FLAG’s desire to join the Congo Basin Forest Partnership demonstrates a shared interest in joining efforts to secure a better future for the Congo Basin, the world’s second largest contiguous humid tropical forest area.
Welcome to the Field Legality Advisory Group (FLAG) the new member of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership!
Horline Njiké (e) Bilogue Mvogo
For more Information, please check the Field Legality Advisoiy Group (FLAG) webside
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