Impfondo hosts the 2nd edition of the International Forum of Indigenous People Central African (FIPAC): Significant progress in the recognition of indigenous people in Central Africa


Participants to the FIPAC approve the institutionalization of FIPAC, recommend, among other things, REPALAC capacity building and adopt an action plan in order to coordinate efforts to protect the rights of often marginalized indigenous people and their consideration in designing socio-economic development strategies.

Please download the FINAL REPORT OF THE FIPAC II


docs/news/Fevrier-Avril 2011/FIPAC Logo.jpgThe 2nd edition of the International Forum of Indigenous People in Central Africa (FIPAC), took place from 15 to 18 March 2011 in Impfondo, chief-town of the Likouala division, (North Congo). The event was placed under the patronage of the Congolese Head of State, His Excellency Denis Sassou N’guesso, represented at the opening ceremony by his Director of Cabinet, Minister of State, Firmin Ayessa. Co-organized by the Congolese Government, the Economic Community of Central African States (CEEA) and COMIFAC, with the support of other development partners, the 2nd FIPAC was placed under the main theme: “Rights of indigenous people and the dynamics of biodiversity conservation in the Congo Basin”.


docs/news/Fevrier-Avril 2011/FIPAC -presidium -participant bon.jpgThe Forum gathered more than 300 participants representing: Indigenous people in the sub-region (made up of the Mbuti from the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Baka from Cameroun, the Aka from the Republic of Congo and Central African Republic, the Babongo from Gabon and Congo, the Twa from Rwanda and Burundi, and others from elsewhere), the Mbororo from Chad and the CAR, governmental representatives of Central African countries, the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous People, sub-regional, regional and international institutions and CBFP partners.  The Forum was enhanced by the highly remarkable participation of the English Guyana delegation led by the Minister in charge of Amerindian Affairs and of Malaysia.


The objectives of this forum was (1) to organize discussions on the rights of indigenous people with the participation of stakeholders; (2) to assess the level of implementation of recommendations formulated during FIPAC first edition; (3) to encourage the implication of indigenous people in the conservation and the sustainable management of Central African forest ecosystems; (4) to institutionalize the FIPAC; (5) to contribute to REPALEAC capacity building; (6) to adopt the major points of the action plan for the protection of the rights and the emancipation of indigenous people in Central Africa, in view of its implementation by Governments.


The opening ceremony marked by six speeches, was followed by the putting in place of the bureau and the adoption of the forum agenda. During four days, participants in the first sequence followed oral thematic communications which enabled them to acquire new knowledge, evaluations, analysis likely to feed panel discussions. In the second sequence, participants were grouped into 7 panels and discussed intensively on seven specific themes focused on practical aspects in relation to indigenous people. Several cultural evenings were organized on the site at the heart of the equatorial forest to display the knowledge, the know-how and the cultural values of the indigenous people of Central Africa.


Focused on the examination of the recommendations of the first forum held in April 2007, the Forum formulated a series of recommendations and actions relating to (1) Indigenous Peoples and biodiversity conservation (2) Legal and political identity, and citizenship of indigenous people (3) Problems related to the socio-economic and cultural development of indigenous peoples (4) FIPAC institutionalization and REPALEAC capacity building (5) FIPAC sustainable funding mechanisms (6) Intellectual property and benefits for indigenous and local people (7) Relation between the valorisation of biodiversity and private sector development.


Speaking at the closing ceremony which he chaired, the Minister for Sustainable Development, Forest Economy and the Environment disclosed the surface area of the site equivalent to 203.81 ha and allocated to the Forum following a prefectorial order for the building of a seat. Construction works shall be completed with the participation of all. The Minister thus had the distinguished honor, on the behalf of the Government to symbolically carry out the hand over to CEEAC and COMIFAC henceforth in charge of organizing FIPAC subsequent sessions.


Reminder:  The first edition of the International Forum of Indigenous Peoples of Central Africa held from 10 to 15 April 2007 still at Impfondo, on the initiative of the Congolese Government and of REPALEAC, with the support of development partners, recommended the institutionalization of this forum, with a periodicity of two years, the putting in place of a follow-up mechanism involving COMIFAC ES and the goal to promote the recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples in the sub-region as important stakeholders in the implementation of COMIFAC convergence plan.


Bien vouloir télécharger (seulement disponible en français):

Communiqué final
Discours de clôture du ministre
Mot de clôture du ministre
Agenda du déroulement du FIPAC
Discours du Ministre à l'ouverture du FIPAC
Discours du Ministre
Discours de Monsieur LAMIN M. Manneh
Mot du préfet
Plan de communication
Plan d'action
Statuts du FIPAC

2e Soirée dansante au Site touristique du FIPAC

Première Soirée dansante au site touristique FIPAC

Cérémonie d'ouverture du FIPAC-2

Déclaration des populations autochtones au deuxième forum international des populations autochtones d’Afrique centrale (FIPAC 2) - Impfondo, 15 – 18 mars 2011

Message des Populations Autochtones d’Afrique Centrale aux Décideurs et Partenaires au Développement


Dans la presse

Afrique centrale: Le 2ème Forum international sur les peuples autochtones s'ouvre au Congo

 FIPAC 2011: les droits des peuples autochtones et conservation de la biodiversité du Bassin du Congo

 Congo: appel à plus de représentativité des peuples autochtones ou "pygmées" (forum international)

FIPAC 2011: les droits des peuples autochtones et conservation de la biodiversité du Bassin du Congo

Centrafrique: Des représentants Aka attendus pour le FIPAC 2 au Congo

Le Congo accueille le FIPAC 2 ( 

FIPAC 2 - Bilan du forum international sur les peuples autochtones de l'Afrique centrale



Les préparatifs de la 2ème édition du FIPAC vont bon train

La Ministre des affaires forestières de Guyane, Pauline Sukhai a été reçue par le ministre Henri Djombo du développement durable, de l’économie forestière et de l’environnement, les deux personnalités ont évoqué la tenue réussie de la deuxième édition du Forum international des peuples autochtones (FIPAC) à Impfondo.

Vers l’amélioration de la prise en compte des autochtones...

Youtube - Rémy Mongo Etsion : Le deuxième Forum International sur les Populations Autochtones d'Afrique Centrale 

 Vidéo en exclusivité FIPAC 2

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