FAO/The agriculture sectors in the intended nationally determined contributions: summary

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The Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) served as the basis for negotiations at COP21 and helped produce the Paris Agreement on climate change. The INDCs will guide country-level climate action for the coming years.1 INDCs include not only targets, but also concrete strategies for addressing the causes of climate change and responding to its effects. As at 31 March 2016, 188 countries2 had submitted their INDCs to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has analyzed the INDCs and found that the agriculture sectors (crops, livestock, fisheries and aquaculture, as well as forestry) feature prominently in meeting national mitigation and adaptation goals. This is a clear signal: the agriculture sectors are central to the response to climate change.
The INDCs were not prepared according to a standard format. While many Parties followed non-binding guidance, the INDCs are heterogeneous in length, coverage and level of detail. All 188 countries refer to mitigation commitments in their INDCs, while 70 percent include an adaptation section. Some specify detailed measures in specific sectors, while others only point to existing plans for further reference. This heterogeneity calls for caution in comparing country priorities and actions beyond broad patterns.
Each INDC was assessed in detail to ensure a comprehensive assessment of the coverage of the agriculture sectors. Original text was extracted into a database, which facilitates the replication and re-examination of the screening process. The data was cross-checked using a keyword search.
Countries were aggregated according to their status of development (least-developed countries, developing countries, economies in transition and developed countries). As the focus of the analysis is on developing countries, these groups were further sub-divided by region.
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