FAO Issues Guidelines on Climate Change for Forest Managers - Forests Policy & Practice
FAO - September 17th 2013 - Early action and more investments are needed to respond to the threats of climate change on the world's forests. It will probably cost less to adjust forest management strategies immediately to the impacts of climate change than to react to the aftermath of climate-inflicted damage, FAO said in its new Climate change guidelines for forest managers.
Early action will also help to improve the livelihoods and food security of local communities. Decreased forest ecosystem services, especially water-cycle regulation, soil protection and the conservation of biodiversity, may affect millions of people in rural areas, who use forests for food, fuel, timber, medicines and income. For example, 4-5 million women in West Africa earn about 80 percent of their income from the collection, processing, and the marketing of nuts harvested from shea trees.
The document provides guidance on how to identify, assess and prioritize options for adjusting forest management practices in response to climate change: (1) Water availability and quality (2) Fire prevention: enlisting local communities (3) Pests and diseases -
Please download the Document: Climate change guidelines for forest managers
The guidelines were presented last week at the 28th Session of the Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission (LACFC).
Please consult the Full Article available under the following Link: Impact of climate change on forests requires early action - Forest managers should invest more in climate change response – new guidelines published
Image credit: http://www.fao.org/news/story/fr/item/196853/icode/
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