Exhibition Centre of 16th Meeting of CBFP Partners- Registration open
Please download the Document: MoP_2016_Exhibitor_Partner_Registration_Form_Fin.docx (34.1 Ko)
As the CBFP is the only existing universal platform for the Congo Basin Forests, the Annual Meeting of Parties (MoP) of the Partnership provides a unique venue for partners to exhibit and reach out with information on their objectives, priorities, programs and activities.
In line with past practice, an exhibition space will be made available to Congo Basin Partners at this year’s Meeting of Parties from 21st to 26thNovember 2016 at the Kigali Convention Centre.
Each stand measures 3x3m including flooring and internal furniture: tables and chairs. Stand rental fees stand at USD 950. The fees cover lighting and stand maintenance charges as well as all costs for running and setting up each stand. There are ONLY 50 stands available to be awarded on a first registered, first served basis.
The exhibition area will be open from 21st to 26th November 2016 from 09:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m. and will be freely accessible to the public as well as to all who participate in the 16th CBFP Meeting of Parties.
Partners wishing to host an exhibition stand are kindly requested to fill in the registration form available here:MoP_2016_Exhibitor_Partner_Registration_Form_Fin.docx (34.1 Ko) and send it back before 30th October at 12 p.m. GMT to the following addresses: aline.rwubaka@primatesafaris.info (PCO) with copy to caroline.rose@agreco.be and ccr-rac@pfbc-cbfp.org
Please find out more informations on the 16thCBFP Meeting of Parties

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