Adaptation-fund: ECO-NGO Newsletter May 8, 2017: Strong Support for the Adaptation Fund

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As the SBI46 climate conference opened in Bonn on May 8 2017, the Climate Action Network voiced strong support for the Adaptation Fund and its experience supporting developing countries in need of small-scale adaptation projects:
“ECO is also concerned about the Adaptation Fund. We expect negotiators to agree that the Adaptation Fund has plenty of experience when operating with developing countries in need of small-scale adaptation projects. And that it deserves immediate replenishment in the pre-2020 period while the Green Climate Fund (GCF) resolves its shortcomings and operational problems. It is definitely not the time to engage in unnecessary political battles that may delay the required work necessary for the Adaptation Fund to serve the Paris Agreement.
On this same topic, ECO is also looking for developed country Parties that will become immediate champions and will provide political and financial support to this important institution as acknowledged in recent submissions to UNFCCC.“
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