Declaration of ECCAS Ministers on the security of natural resources, man/wildlife conflict and other land use conflicts in Central Africa

Please download below: Declaration of ECCAS Ministers on the security of natural resources, man/wildlife conflict and other land use conflicts in Central Africa:
Déclaration de NDjamena.pdf (2.8 Mo)
We, the Ministers of Wildlife Protection, Security and Defense, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Territorial Administration, of the Member States of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS),
Having met in N'Djamena on 27 July 2017 at the ECCAS Ministers’ Conference on eco-security, man/wildlife conflict and other land use conflicts in Central Africa with a view to adopting strategic legal, Institutional, technical and operational tools for promoting eco-security, on the one hand, and effectively managing man/wildlife conflict and others land use conflicts in Central Africa, on the other hand,
Recalling relevant Decisions EX.CL/Dec.832 (XXV) and EX.CL/910(XXVII) of the twenty-fifth and twenty-seventh ordinary sessions of the Executive Council of the African Union, relating respectively to the development of an African Regional Strategy on the fight against the illegal exploitation and illicit trade in wild fauna and flora in Africa, and the approval of said strategy as well as the Brazzaville Declaration of the International Conference on the illegal exploitation and illicit trade in wild fauna and flora in Africa,
Please download below: Declaration of ECCAS Ministers on the security of natural resources, man/wildlife conflict and other land use conflicts in Central Africa:
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