Chimpanzee Doguy Needs Eye Surgery

The Democratic Republic of Congo is one of the toughest places on earth to run a nonprofit. But JACK Sanctuary rescues chimpanzees in this country from the illegal wildlife trade and gives them lifesaving care.
JACK is in Lubumbashi, a town that was a hub for the illegal chimpanzee trade. Infant chimps were stolen from their families, smuggled through Lubumbashi to Zambia, and often shipped around the world into unthinkably cruel situations.
Because of JACK’s relentless efforts, this chimpanzee trade route has been completely shut down – a tremendous success in wildlife conservation.
Right now, a team of vets and other volunteers is at JACK to give much-needed health exams to the 37 orphaned chimpanzees who depend on JACK for their wellbeing. Since chimps are extremely strong, this is a complicated process that requires sedating the chimps with darts to ensure the safety of the chimps and their caregivers.
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