COP21/ position paper, National Platform of Civil Society Organizations on REDD and Climate Change, Cameroon
We, the National Platform of Civil Society Organizations on REDD+ and Climate Change (NFP-REDD & CC), meeting in Yaounde, Cameroon, from the 12 to 13 October, 2015, as part of a national information and awareness workshop for its members, whose results were to be finalized and adopted in a Position Paper of the NFP REDD&CC,in view of the expected Agreement on Climate Change by the COP21,meeting in Paris from November 30 to 11of December 2015…
…Concerned about the fragility of critical gaver nance mechanisms;inadequate representation, weak communication systems and opacity of for mal education and outreach processes;
Recognizing the contribution of civil society in Cameroon towards the integration of REDD+ pro cesses of Climate Change into social, political and economie discourses in the country in general, and the inclusion of local people (small farmers, women, indigenous peoples and youth) in parti cular;
Painfully aware, of the weak technical and finan cial capacity of poorer rural and urban commu nities, given their vulnerabilities to increasingly frequent and adverse effects of Climate Change; as weil as insufficient resources of Civil Society Organizations and of Decentralized Administra tion which support them,to address these new and varied environmental challenges in Central Africa in general and Cameroon in particular…
For more Information, please consult the following PDF Documents:
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