COP22: Index-based insurance, key to helping small-scale farmers in Africa adapt to climate change effects

African rain-fed plantations are already feeling the impact of the climate change effects on their output hence the urgent need for setting up adaptation mechanisms facilitating access to funding through the development of an index-based insurance system targeting small-scale farmers, underscored participants in a side event hosted in Moroccan pavilion at COP22.
During the event, organised by the Moroccan Agency for Agricultural Development in partnership (ADA) in partnership with the French Development Agency (AFD) and the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM), participants highlighted the vulnerability of African agriculture to climate change which takes a toll on the yields of small-scale farmers as a result of recurring drought seasons and erratic weather patterns.
In this regard, panellists from Morocco, Tunisia, Senegal and France stressed the need for gearing index-based insurance towards reinforcing small-scale farmers’ resilience and adaptation to climate change effects.
Speaking on this occasion, Director General of ADA said “the impacts of climate change are already impacting agricultural productivity and revenue as well as increasing rural flight.”
He added that “Insurance is a key component of the Initiative for the Adaptation of African Agriculture (AAA),” a move that aims at reducing the vulnerability of Africa and its agriculture to climate change which represents one of the main objectives of Morocco’s COP22 presidency.
This side event was held as part of the second day activities of the Moroccan pavilion under the theme of Agriculture and Resilience. Throughout the COP22 (November 7-18), other themes will be explored including migration, resilience and health; Industry and the coast; transport and innovation, territories and oceans, heritage and security, gender and health; finance and energy.
For more Information, please check: HERE
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