Towards a Preparatory Workshop in the First Semester 2012 of the Session of the Subsidiary Organs of the Conference of Parties on Climate in one of COMIFAC Countries


docs/doc_intern/GT COMIFAC/GTG/GEF-BM-atelier-lancement.jpgThere still exist many challenges within the framework of the consolidation of the different strategies in view of improving the vision, the existing technical database and the sub-regional expertise on priority issues related to climate; this was one of the remarks made by participants to the sub regional assessment workshop of the Durban Conference and the preparation for future events.

Held in the premises of the Central African Republic ministry of Water, Forestry, Hunting and Fishing in Bangui from 15 to 16 March 2012, the sub-regional assessment workshop of the Durban Conference and the preparation of future events was chaired by Mr. Raymond BITIKON, COMIFAC E.S. and moderated by CAR climate focal point.


The introductive session was marked by the installation of workshop presidium, as well as the presentation of the objectives and expected results. After the installation of the presidium, Mr. Gustave DOUNGOUBE, Chairman of the workshop presented the agenda of the meeting. After some procedural discussions, the points on agenda were adopted.


The first session was marked by the deciphering of the results of the Durban Conference illustrated by four presentations, namely the long term concerted action on the account of the convention (AWG-LCA), the new commitments of the parties mentioned in annex I in the framework of the Kyoto protocol (AWG.KP), the subsidiary organ of Implementation (SBI) and the subsidiary organ of the scientific and technological council (SBTA). The discussions which followed these presentations highlighted the following points: the identification of needs and strategic actions to be implemented; the examination and the amendment of tenders based on the priorities of the countries of the sub-region, and the consolidation of a road map.


The second session concerned the stakes of the 2012 negotiations and the perspectives for the COMIFAC countries. In an interactive approach, participants formulated propositions aiming at the consolidation of the sub-regional strategy to prepare future events based on the stakes of discussion at the 36th session of the subsidiary organs scheduled to hold from 14 to 25 May 2012 in Bonn, Germany. Also concerned are other events such as the 18th and the 8th sessions of the Conference of Parties to the Convention and of the Conference of Parties related to the Kyoto Protocol which shall take place from 26 November to 7 December 2012 in Doha, Qatar. Mr. Cléto NDIKUMAGENGE, CBFP delegate facilitator developed the strategy on the advocacy for the climate group. He reminded with insistence the type of key message to be delivered, the vision to be shared, the changes to be fostered, and the type of support and allies, the tools (visits, working dinners, restitution meetings, high level meetings, and awareness campaigns, etc.).


The third session dwelt on the review of the needs of the countries for the implementation of the REDD+ Declaration of joint intention. Deliberations at this session resulted in the following questions: (1) what is the state of progress of the REDD+ process in the COMIFAC countries? (2) What is the detailed need level of each country? (3) What will be the road map to be put in place to guarantee the implementation of this initiative?


The second day started with a presentation by Mr. Martin TADOUM on work methodology. The two sessions of this day dwelt respectively on the review of the different tenders of the coalition of rainforest nations (CFRN), prepared during the meeting held in end February 2012 in London, Great Britain and the examination of the future events, especially the 36th session of subsidiary organs which shall take place from the 14 to 25 May 2012 in Bonn, Germany. The study of this last point resulted (after much discussion on the possible options) in the proposition for the organization of a preparatory workshop in a COMIFAC country before the sessions of subsidiary organs. The task of preparing the agenda and mobilizing funds was handed to COMIFAC Executive Secretary.



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 ♦ Le compte rendu de l’atelier sous régional bilan de la conférence de  Durban et la préparation des échéances futures

♦ Quel Plaidoyer pour les Groupes  Climat ? Cléto Ndikumagenge, Facilitation du PFBC

♦ Aperçu des conclusions des Réunions des Partenaires de Douala, Cléto Ndikumagenge, Facilitation du PFBC et Jean Marie Noiraud, JMN

♦ Les Termes de Référence de l’atelier sous régional bilan de la conférence de  Durban et la préparation des échéances futures


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