Status report on COMIFAC activities, Executive Summary, January to March 2016

Kindly download Status report on COMIFAC activities, Executive Summary, January to March 2016
This executive summary reports on progress of activities conducted by the Executive Secretariat of the Central Africa Forest Commission (COMIFAC) during the first quarter (January-March) of 2016. The activities concentrated on the following components: (i) planning, monitoring and evaluation of implementation of Convergence Plan 2; (ii) communication, sub-regional consultation and capacity building; and (iii) coordinating the implementation of Convergence Plan 2 and partnerships.
Planning, monitoring and evaluation of implementation of Convergence Plan 2. The COMIFAC Executive Secretariat has planned its activities for 2016
The COMIFAC Executive Secretariat recently validated its Annual Work Plan (AWP) 2016. The AWP was established at the end of the Executive Secretariat’s 2016 activities planning workshop which took place from 20 to 22 January 2016 in Kribi, Cameroon. It came out from presentations at the workshop funded by the GIZ project to support COMIFAC, that the rate of technical achievement of the results of the AWP 2015 was estimated at 66%. Thus, the workshop served to plan the Executive Secretariat’s activities for 2016 in collaboration with partners supporting COMIFAC. A guided tour of Campo National Park was conducted on the sidelines of the workshop.
First phase of data collection campaign to determine baseline for the Convergence Plan 2 is finalized
The COMIFAC Executive Secretariat has just finalized the first data collection campaign to determine baseline indicators for Convergence Plan 2. The first campaign which covers the year 2014 spanned six countries in the sub-region (Burundi, Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Central African Republic, Chad). The next stages in the process will entail the upcoming online publication of the data on the online platform for monitoring and evaluation of implementation of Convergence Plan 2. A computer science consultant has been hired in this regard with the assistance of the GIZ project to support COMIFAC and is tasked with transferring the data to the platform-supported application EXCELL. In addition, the Executive Secretariat is preparing to launch the second data collection campaign which will include the other four countries in the sub-region.
Kindly download Status report on COMIFAC activities, Executive Summary, January to March 2016
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