Final communique: Relaunch workshop of the National Forum of the Conference on Dense and Humid Forest ecosystems of Central Africa (CEFDHAC - Cameroon)

The meeting of the National Forum of the Conference on Dense and Humid Forest ecosystems of Central Africa- Cameroon (CEFDHAC) was held on 13 and 14 February 2018 at the Yaoundé Conference Centre.
The meeting’s overall aim was to relaunch the National Forum by electing its leaders and restart the multi-stakeholder debate on emerging topics in the Forestry/ Environmental sector.
Specific aims were:
- To hold a General Assembly to elect the new leaders of the CEFDHAC National Forum;
- Review national issues relating to sustainable forest management and engage multi-stakeholder debate with a view to providing input for forestry/environmental sector decision-making;
- To map and identify elements that could serve as a basis for developing ongoing synergies between various actors and ensure healthy emulation of those actors and stakeholders;
- To adopt recommendations that could lead to the development of a roadmap for the CEFDHAC National Forum.
Participants at the meeting included representatives of State (MINFOF, MINEPDED, MINADER, MINEPIA, MINTOUL, MINREX, MINATD, MINPROF, MINAS) and parastatal agencies (ANAFOR) with links to the forestry /wildlife/environmental sector, representatives of parliament, civil society, the private sector, bilateral or multilateral cooperation agencies, indigenous and local communities, as well as persons interested in the conservation of forest ecosystems.
The opening ceremony featured a welcome speech by the President of the CEFDHAC National Forum -Cameroon, the Honorable ESSOLA ETOA Louis Roger; followed by opening remarks by His Excellency Mr. NGOLE Philip NGWESE, Minister of Forestry and Wildlife. It ended with a group photo and a tour of exhibition stands set up by stakeholders who had seized the opportunity to showcase their experiences on the ground.
The deliberations moderated by Mr. David ABOUEM A TCHOYI, proceeded with three panel discussions, featuring two presentations each on the following themes:
Presentation 1: “From Convergence Plan 1 to Convergence Plan 2; main developments"
Presentation 2: “Civil society’s role in the implementation of Convergence Plan 2 "
Presentation 1: “Evolution of forest resource renewal in Cameroon: From the National Reforestation Program to the National Forest Plantation Development Program (PNDPF)"
Presentation 2: “The contribution of civil society and private partners to forest management in Cameroon "
Presentation 1:"The Contribution of NDCs to Cameroon’s socio-economic development"
Presentation 2: "The Fight against climate change and the level of involvement of indigenous peoples, communities and civil society"
Each panel of presentations was followed by exchanges and discussions to provide clarification or further explanation on the presentations.
Subsequently, the main themes were discussed in three break-out groups which presented their conclusions at the plenary.
Two side events were also held, focusing respectively on the Landcam project and the AFR 100 Project.
Finally, a new bureau of the CEFDHAC National Forum was elected and established in for a 5-year term with Mr. ESSOLA ETOA Louis Roger as Chairman and:
SM TANYI Robinson as Councillor representing the communities and the coastal zone;
- NANA Souaibou as Councillor representing the elected representatives and the northern region;
BINELI Stanislas as Councillor representing the Training Centers and the bimodal forest area;
Mrs OUOGUIA Blandine as Councillor representing the private sector;
BALKISSOU Buba as Councillor representing indigenous peoples and the grassfield area.
For more information, please download the document below:
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