CBFP Council Meeting draws delegates to Brazzaville (Congo), 1 June 2018



Please browse  photos  of the 4th CBFP Council Meeting


The roadmap of the Kingdom of Belgium Facilitation of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) adopted, CBFP results-oriented governance underway with report submitted by CBFP college leaders, 4th CBFP Council meeting consolidates gains, enhances credibility of the governance reform and active preparations underway for the 18th Meeting of CBFP  Parties due to take place in Brussels from 27 to 28 November 2018.



Brazzaville (Congo), 1 June 2018 - The fourth CBFP Council meeting took place.  The CBFP Council Meeting was chaired by Minister of State, François-Xavier de Donnea, CBFP Facilitator of the Kingdom of Belgium and graced by the following political figures:


  • His Excellency Mr. Henri Djombo, Minister of State, Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, outgoing President of the Technical Committee of the African Union on  Wildlife, Environment, and Agriculture;
  • Her Excellency Madam Francine Tumushime, Minister of Lands and Forests, Rwanda, Acting President of COMIFAC, represented by His Excellency Ambassador Jean Baptiste Habialimana, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary ‎of the Republic of Rwanda to the Republic of the Congo and CEMAC countries;
  • Her Excellency Ms. Rosalie Matondo , Minister of Forest Economy of the Republic of the Congo
  • Her Excellency Ms. Arlette Soudan-Nonault, Minister of Tourism and the Environment, Technical Coordinator of the Congo Basin Climate Commission; 
  • Her Excellency Ms. Marie Thérèse Chantal MFOULA, Deputy Secretary General of ECCAS.



Also present and actively participating were 50 participants representing the seven colleges that make up the CBFP namely:


  • the CBFP Regional College: ECCAS, COMIFAC and the Congo
  • the CBFP Civil Society College: CEFDHAC-CPR and Community Rights Network (CRN)
  • the CBFP International NGOs College: AWF and WWF
  • the CBFP Private sector College: ATIBT, TFT
  • the CBFP Donor College: EU and US
  • The CBFP Scientific and Academic College: CIRAD, ACCBFP/UCLA
  • the CBFP Multilateral College: FAO and GVTC



Some of the college representatives came with advisers.  The meeting gathered close to 50 participants with the noteworthy participation of the CBFP regional college and a large delegation from the Republic of the Congo.



The agenda of the fourth CBFP Council meeting was structured around a first segment devoted to the opening ceremony. This ceremony included a presentation on the Blue Fund and the Fund for the Green Economy, a presentation on activities undertaken by the Ministry of Forest Economy, a presentation on the Roadmap and Action Plan 2018 of the Belgian CBFP Facilitation and the status of implementation of CBFP governance.  Each College was then invited to take the floor to provide an update (news), and outline prospects or planned activities. Special emphasis was placed on the Regional College. Lastly, the meeting discussed the organization of the 18th Meeting of Parties of the CBFP (revised format) and meeting agendas - 2018, 2019 of the CBFP.



Following intense deliberations, delegates agreed on the roadmap of the CBFP Facilitation of the Kingdom of Belgium, consolidated the cross-border approach to organizing meetings in three cross-border landscapes of Central Africa, the framing of the CBFP’s priorities for 2019, the configuration, structure and content of the 18th Meeting of Parties of the CBFP and agenda of the 2019 CBFP meeting.




Browse  les photos de la 4e Réunion du Conseil du PFBC



Kindly download the speeches delivered by various officials

-CEEAC-Final allocution SGA DIPEM PFBC 18 à Brazzaville.pdf (1.8 Mo)

COMIFAC-Discours president comifac 4e conseil pfbc_1er juin 2018.pdf (135.5 Ko)

-Matondo-DISCOURS MEF (PFBC) 01.06.18 Version amendée.pdf (63.2 Ko)

-Soudan-ALLOCUTION-MADAME-ASN.pdf (115.8 Ko)



Kindly download: The Opening Address of the 4th Meeting of the CBFP Council - June 1st, 2018 - Congo Brazzaville

Opening Address of the 4th Meeting of the CBFP Council - June 1st, 2018 - Congo Brazzaville



Please kindly download the Colleges contribution during the 4th CBFP Council Meeting in Brazzaville :

College 2-communication délivrée par le collège de la société civile lors du 4ème conseil du PFBC.pdf (138.6 Ko)

Collège 3-ONG-Internationale.pdf (105.4 Ko)

Collège 4-TFT -ATIBT _Contribution Collège Secteur Privé.pdf (270.9 Ko)

College 5 - Bailleurs.pdf (96.4 Ko)

Collège 6-scientifique.pdf (177.9 Ko)

College7-joint statement _FAO_GVTC.pdf (134.1 Ko)


Read the documents of the CBFP Council

-Kits des participants à la 4ième Réunion du Conseil du PFBC.pdf (283.7 Ko)



Read the presentations of the Minister of Forest Economy


-MEF-Secteur Eau.pdf (4.7 Mo)

-Présentation Congo-MEF-Secteur-Foret.pdf (18.6 Mo)



Please download the documents of the 4th CBFP Council below:

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