Congo Basin climate experts gather in Cameroon

Please download the following statement:
communiqué final atelier regional de préparation de marrakech.pdf (428.4 Ko)
From 28 to 30 September 2016, the conference room of La falaise Hotel in Bonanjo in Douala-Cameroon, hosted a regional preparation workshop for upcoming events of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
The overall objective of the workshop was to define concerted positions on various topics of interest in COP-22 negotiations to ensure the sub-region’s active and adequate participation in the upcoming UNFCCC meeting.
Speicific objectives included:
- Reviewing topics of interest on the agenda of the conference;
- Preparing features of common positions on these topics;
- Prepare submissions on specific topics to be forwarded to the Secretariat of the Convention;
- Developing a strategy for the sub region’s participation in COP 22;
- Sharing experiences between countries on NDC implementation and preparing national contributions.
The workshop organized by COMIFAC with financial support from the World Bank through the Regional REDD + (PREREDD +) / COMIFAC Project, the Japanese Cooperation (JICA) and the German Cooperation (GIZ) drew thirty participants from eight COMIFAC countries including:
- UNFCCC focal points of COMIFAC member countries;
- The CEFDHAC representative;
- Representatives of national and regional REDD +coordinations
- Representatives of the COMIFAC Executive Secretariat;
- Representatives of civil society and indigenous peoples;
- Resource persons.
For more information on the conduct and findings of the workshop, please download the following statement:
communiqué final atelier regional de préparation de marrakech.pdf (428.4 Ko)
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