CAFI: Eq. Guinea, Cameroon & Congo share progress

CAFI meeting an opportunity to showcase progress and challenges of developing National Investment Frameworks
The 6th CAFI Executive Board meeting, held 27-28 April 2017, was an opportunity to exchange with government representatives of three countries (CAR was unable to participate due to connectivity issues) in the process of developing National REDD+ investment frameworks.
Topics for discussions included :
- Securing high-level leadership for the development of the NIF
- Ensuring effective inter- ministerial coordination
- Anchoring the NIF in national development and climate plans
- Coordinating with other initiatives, including the FIP
- Ensuring inclusiveness and participation
- Linking with international commitments such as the New York Declaration on Forests, the Amsterdam Declaration towards eliminating deforestation from agricultural commodity chains with European countries', and the Marrakech Declaration on sustainable palm oil production in Africa.
Amongts notable highlights were :
Equatorial Guinea, who has advanced most since the disbursement of the CAFI preparatory grant, is making genuine efforts to report on gender, having launched its engagement and gender strategy and already reporting on gender balance in meetings. Its communication efforts, with eight articles published on the FAO web site, were also noted. Project teams are fully recruited and intermediary milestones already reached for each outcome, which, in addition to the abovementionned on participation and engagement, include...
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