Briefing note: International Conference of Ministers of Defense, Security and Protected Areas on the fight against poaching and other cross-border criminal activities - 23 - 25 January 2018, N'Djamena, Chad





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Briefing note: International Conference of Ministers of Defense, Security and Protected Areas on the fight against poaching and other cross-border criminal activities -  23 - 25 January 2018, N'Djamena, Chad


Outline Agenda


Terms of Reference


Under the Distinguished Patronage of His Excellency Mr. Idriss Deby Itno, President of the Republic of Chad,

Co-Chair: Minister of State François-Xavier de Donnea, Facilitator of the Kingdom of Belgium of the CBFP

The Facilitation of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) provided by the Kingdom of Belgium, the Central African Forest Commission (COMIFAC) and the government of the Republic of Chad will be hosting a conference entitled: “Threats posed by armed groups moving between the Sahel, Sudan and north of Equatorial Africa with its natural protected areas and local communities: Analysis and Action Plans". The Conference will be organized with the financial support of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ); the European Union and Kingdom of Belgium.  It is envisioned as a high-profile event with close to 150 delegates.



Invitees to the conference include:

  • Ministers of defense and territorial security;
  • Ministers of authorities in charge of Protected Areas;
  • The Ministers of livestock and animal products of Chad and Niger;
  • Regional organizations and technical and financial partners dealing with wildlife conservation and anti-poaching issues: South Africa, Germany (GIZ, KFW), France, Norway, the UK, the AU, the EU, the US, ECCAS, COMIFAC, ECOWAS, WAEMU, UN Africa, IGAD, CILSS, OCFSA, INTERPOL, UNODC, African Parks, AWF, TRAFFIC, WWF, the IUCN, the World Bank, UNDP, FAO, CBLT, CEBEVIRHA ….


Participating countries include Cameroon, CAR, Chad, DRC, Niger, South Sudan, Sudan.

The meeting agenda is built around:

Technical Expert Segment: TThematic

Policy segment of the conference will combine


Please kindly send an email to: If you’d like to be invited or need any logistical Assistance.


A word to the editors:


The Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) was launched by former United States Secretary of State, Colin Powell, at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, pursuant to United Nations resolution 54/214. It is a multi-stakeholder partnership that allows member organizations to cooperate on a voluntary basis. The CBFP currently comprises 113 members, including 10 Central African countries and close to a hundred partners concerned with the Congo Basin forest ecosystems (ECCAS, COMIFAC, partner countries, the Congo Basin civil society, international NGOs, multilateral organizations, research and training institutions and private sector actors). It is the most comprehensive regional platform dedicated to the protection and sustainable management of Congo Basin forests.



By signing the Treaty on the Central African Forest Commission (COMIFAC) and adopting COMIFAC’s sub-regional Convergence Plan in 2005 in Brazzaville, the Heads of State and Government of the Congo Basin countries reaffirmed their commitment to the principles of conservation of biodiversity and sustainable management of Central African forest ecosystems, the fundamental rights of their peoples to rely on forest resources as well as their understanding of the need to balance development and conservation needs within the framework of international cooperation.



Cooperation within the CBFP aims to support this shared vision of the Central African Heads of State, notably by enhancing the effectiveness of measures taken, including technical and financial support, to promote conservation of biodiversity and sustainable management of forest ecosystems, the fight against climate change and poverty reduction in Central African countries in line with the COMIFAC Convergence Plan.


The CBFP Facilitation of the Kingdom of Belgium during the period 2018-2019


The 18th Meeting of CBFP Parties 2018 will be the first Meeting of Parties organized during the period 2018 to 2019, during the Kingdom of Belgium’s tenure at the helm of the Partnership through its role as CBFP Facilitator.  The Facilitation’s mission features three components: (1) Facilitating consultations (internal communication, rallying partners around joint strategies, information and data sharing), (2) raising the CBFP’s profile (external communication, attracting new members, seeking new funding sources) and (3) Facilitating coordination of activities (beginning with their follow-up).



The CBFP was initially facilitated by the United States from January 2003- December 2004, followed by France from January 2005 - October 2007, Germany in October 2007- September 2010 and Canada from September 2010 to December 12, the United States from May 2013 to December 2015, the European Union from January 2017- December 2018.



For more information on the CBFP Facilitation roadmap, please click the link below:  Facilitation belge du PFBC - Feuille de route-FR.pdf (58.0 Ko)


Please download the press release below:  Communiqué de presse - 1er mars 2018 - La Belgique reprend la facilitation du PFBC.pdf (86.8 Ko) 


For more information on the CBFP’s governance structures, please read:  Questions-Reponses-College-conseil-PFBC-FR.pdf (75.1 Ko)

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