FAO-CIFOR: Inclusive management of Central African forests: From participation to power-sharing

Please download the Document here below: gestion inclusive des forêts d'Afrique centralef.pdf (1.4 Mo)
The collective work, the outcome of collaboration between thirty researchers and forest development practitioners, aims to report on the strengths and weaknesses of participatory and community forest management in Central Africa.
Bringing together their respective disciplines to jointly paint a comprehensive picture, specialists in management and administration, economists, sociologists, legal experts and political scientists went as close to the grassroots as possible, and came up with a mixed assessment of the situation in Central Africa.
Avenues for improvement, at times expressed as recommendations, were the outcome of the critical analysis. They focus mainly on greater consideration of land-related factors, the need to think of forms of inclusion from the social economy perspective, the relevance of considering local stakeholder engagement in concession system reform, as well as changing decision-making conditions within the framework of multi-stakeholder platforms bringing together State (and other) interests.
Please download the Document here below: gestion inclusive des forêts d'Afrique centralef.pdf (1.4 Mo)
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