Adaptation Fund Global Contest Draws 125+ Impact Photos from Around World Showing Climate Change and Efforts to Adapt

Washington, D.C. (June 21, 2016) — The Adaptation Fund’s 2016 Global Photo Contest promoting coastal and watershed adaptation concluded this month with 127 impactful photos depicting the effects of climate change and adaptation solutions submitted from all over the world.
Nongovernmental organizations, Adaptation Fund accredited National Implementing Entities in countries ranging from South Africa, Costa Rica to India, multilateral implementing entities, other Fund partners, country government programs like Nepal’s Climate Change Support Program and independent photographers were among those to submit photos in the contest.
An independent panel of four judges separately selected their top three winners and several honorable mentions, and the results were tallied on a points system to determine the final winning photos. Criteria was based on relevance to the contest theme; the Adaptation Fund’s mission of helping vulnerable communities adapt to climate change; visual impact considering artistic and engaging qualities; originality; and informational/educational value as well as raising awareness to the importance of climate adaptation.
“We are thrilled to see so many captivating as well as informative photos that tell the story of climate change and adaptation from the ground level across a diverse range of countries that are highly vulnerable to climate change,” said Adaptation Fund Board Chair Naresh Sharma. “Projects that manage coastal zones from rising seas as well as those that enhance watershed resources through sustainable agriculture, biodiversity conservation and disaster risk reduction are among key areas served by the Adaptation Fund and pivotal in enhancing community resilience to climate change.”
The judges said it was a challenging process since there were so many high quality and captivating photos submitted, and the winners reflect the overall excellence of the submissions well.
For more Information, please check: HERE
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