The African experts collaborate to overcome the challenge of the Forestry Wildlife management in Brazzaville
The seventeenth
session of the African Forestry and Wildlife Commission (AFWC) was held
on February 22-26th, 2010 in Brazzaville (Republic of Congo), with its central
theme "African Forests and Wildlife: Response to the Challenges
of Sustainable livelihood Systems". This theme intended not only to underscore
the importance of forestry and wildlife for poverty reduction in Africa but to
demonstrate their significant contribution to the Gross National Products (GNP)
of African countries.
The Brazzaville session aimed to examine the
coordination of forest policy implementation in African region and to propose
recommendations concerning the adequate measures which could be applied for Forestry
Wildlife management. For the initial time, the present session was also devoted
to "first African Forestry and Wildlife Week (AFWW)" centered on the one hand
on Africa's capacity building in forestry and wildlife management and on the
other hand on sensitization of decision makers about (1) the contribution of forestry
and wildlife to the national economy; (2) improvement in the livelihoods of the
local populations and (3) the need to reflect this objective in the national budget
(Photograph on the left: @ Congo Site).
Having organized by the Congolese Government in the close collaboration with the FAO, the session drew participants from sub-Saharan African countries. This provides an opportunity to share activities in forestry and wildlife interactively. In this respect, different types of "spaces" were arranged for exposures, side events and video projections. It offered also an ideal forum for an intensive exchange of experts' knowledge and information. Furthermore, it served also as a dialogue for debates on international, regional and sub regional initiatives as well as for the development of new tools to ensure socioeconomic development, forestry and faunal resources sustainability.
In his opening speech, His Excellency Henri Djombo, Minister of Forest Economy and the Environment, emphasized on the fact that most African population depend on forestry and wildlife resources for their survival and that no strategy, no program could be implemented without their participation. Then, after he underlined that local populations own traditional knowledge in managing natural resources, His Excellency Henri Djombo raised the need to take into account when designing modern management tools, their approach to use and conserve natural resources. Finally, the Minister expressed the wish to see their sensitization regarding the needs for sustainable forestry and fauna management which must constitute an essential component for elaborated and implemented programs as reported by "Congo-Site".
As a whole, this session provided the opportunity to continue the discussion with the goal of increasing the contribution of forestry and the wildlife as the heart of the fight against poverty, hunger and malnutrition towards the improvement of the living conditions of Africans.
Documentation of the 17th Session of the African Forestry and Wildlife Commission and 1st African Forestry and Wildlife Week.
Forestry and wildlife in support of sustainable livelihood systems in Africa
Forest resources assessment and monitoring
The State of the World's Forest Genetic Resources
National forest programmes: a platform for forestry development in Africa
Silva Mediterranea: progress report on activities
Pre-session Workshop on Climate change and African forests and wildlife
Guidelines on sustainable forest management in drylands of sub-Saharan Africa
For more information, please agree to consult the official site of the CFFA17 and the SFFA1 or contact: M. Foday Bojang ( or and M. Joachim Kondi, " Inspector of the Forestry Economics Ministry (
In the press (in French):
African Forest Forum : La 17ème Session de la Commission des forêts et de la faune sauvage
Jeune Afrique/ PNUD: Le Congo-Brazzaville mobilise des fonds pour assurer son développement durable
WWF: Rainforest deforestation more than doubled under cover of coronavirus -DW
Read more … WWF: Rainforest deforestation more than doubled under cover of coronavirus -DW
Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park Monthly update April 2020
Read more … Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park Monthly update April 2020
Resources and follow-up from the virtual FAO-EcoAgriculture Partners Roundtable
Read more … Resources and follow-up from the virtual FAO-EcoAgriculture Partners Roundtable
ATIBT -CBFP: Private Sector mobilized around the CBFP Facilitator of the Federal Republic of Germany
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