AFORPOLIS: The 116th members of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership!

Brussels, Belgium, 20th March 2020: AFORPOLIS has officially joined the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP). As part of the application process, AFORPOLIS has submitted the required documents and agreed to abide by the CBFP members’ cooperation framework in promoting sustainable management of forest ecosystems in Central Africa.
AFORPOLIS was created in 2018 and is hosted by the "Chair of Forest and Nature Conservation Policy' of the University of Göttingen, in Germany. AFORPOLIS is a non-profit scientific association, whose primary objective is to gather and enhance knowledge on the dynamics of Forest governance and sustainability in Africa. Its areas of research essentially cover environmental and sociopolitical issues related to climate change, biodiversity, as well as multilevel aspects of the governance of natural resources in Africa. Beyond its scientific agenda, a particular attention within AFORPOLIS is also given to the promotion of science-policy interactions for a sustainable use and preservation of forest ecosystems that brings together a variety of stakeholders in forest sector over the African continent and more specifically those in the Congo Basin.
In order to achieve its objectives, AFORPOLIS activities are organized through a set of three major components::(i) the organisation of bi-annual conferences across the continent, and regional or thematic seminars; (ii) promotion and partnership of research-development projects that bring together scientists, policy-makers and donors; and (iii) the organisation of training and capacity building initiatives, and the promotion of sciencepolicy interactions.
Since 2018, AFORPOLIS has collaborated with a variety of international and national institutions for the organisation of the 2018 AFORPOLIS conference and the 2019 Africa-China workshop on “forestland governance, investments and sustainability” held in Yaoundé – Cameroon. To date, a selection of AFORPOLIS partners includes: the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), the Centre for International Development and Training (CIDT) at the University of Wolverhampton, the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), The National Directorate of Forest at the Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development in Mozambique, the British cooperation (UKaid), the Japanese cooperation (JICA Mozambique), the French National Research Institute for Development (IRD), the University of Dschang & the Ministry of forestry and Wildlife – Cameroon, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration (NFGA) & the Global Environmental Institute (GEI) – China, etc.
As its major upcoming event, AFORPOLIS organisation, TROPENBOS International (TBI) and TROPENBOS Ghana (TBG) are organising the second bi-annual AFORPOLIS conference which will take place in Accra, Ghana from the 14th to 17th September 2020.
For detailed information on AFORPOLIS Coordination and international Advisory board, AFORP OLIS past and upcoming events, please do not hesitate to visit AFORPOLIS website.
In accordance with the COMIFAC plan of convergence, AFORPOLIS's activities closely align with the transversal axes; 1: Training and capacity building; 2: Research and development.
The Facilitation of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership of the Federal Republic of Germany is very pleased to welcome AFORPOLIS as a new member of the CBFP.
Welcome to our new member!
AFORPOLIS Organisation
Ms Minette Nago
Ms Sandrine Andong
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