27th Adaptation Fund Board Meeting Strengthens Project Pipeline, Approves Gender Plan and Elects New Chairman.
Pleae find the Decisions of the 27th meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board
Bonn, Germany (March 17-18, 2016) — The Adaptation Fund strengthened its pipeline of programs and capacity to reach more vulnerable countries at the 27th Adaptation Fund Board meeting with the approval of a new coastal adaptation project in Peru, endorsements of 10 other project concepts and pre-concepts across different countries and regions, and new accreditations of National Implementing Entities (NIEs) in the Dominican Republic and Indonesia.
The Board also elected a new Chair, Naresh Sharma of Nepal, who had represented Least Developed Countries as a Board member since 2015. Additionally, the Board approved a new gender policy and action plan to strengthen equal access among women and men to Fund programs and resources.
“We accomplished a lot and I was very pleased to see our pipeline of projects and concepts continue to grow, as we strive to help more developing countries adapt to the effects of climate change,” said Sharma. “The accreditation of two new implementing entities will also build the capacity of countries to develop projects directly while enhancing our ability to reach additional vulnerable communities with urgent adaptation needs. And our new gender action plan is another example of the Fund’s innovation in responding to the diverse needs of communities in timely and localized ways.”
The Board further decided to continue consultations on potential collaboration with the Green Climate Fund, initiate the second phase of an Independent Evaluation of the Adaptation Fund, enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the accreditation process, and set new fundraising targets of US$80 million a year over the next two years. Other decisions included maintaining a US$10 million spending cap per country for the time-being, and continuing the Fund’s US$30 million Pilot Program for Regional Projects.
For more Information, please check: HERE
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