ABS GIZ COMIFAC Project: Training on managing ABS Clearing House Mechanism in Cameroon
22 Heads of Units in charge of environmental information from the regional delegations of MINEPDED have received training on techniques for collecting and publishing information at the ABS Clearing House in Cameroon.
Paragraph 1 of article 14 of the Nagoya Protocol (PN) envisages the establishment of an Access and Benefits Sharing Clearing House (ABS Clearing House) as part of implementation of the NP. The Clearing House shall serve as a platform for exchanging information between stakeholders of States Parties to the Protocol, to facilitate the sharing of information relating to:
- Legislative, administrative and policy measures on ABS;
- Information on the national focal point and competent national authority or authorities; and
- Permits or their equivalent issued as evidence of the decision to grant Prior Informed consent and of the establishment of Mutually Agreed Terms.
With a view to building the capacities of its staff at MINEPDED, and with the support of the ABS GIZ-COMIFAC project, a training workshop on how to manage the ABS Clearing House was held in Douala from 16 to 17 November 2017. The training course was built respectively around Axis 1: Capacity building and awareness; and Axis 4: Developing mechanisms to foster the participation of the GIZ-COMIFAC-backed regional ABS project.
The training provided the participants with knowledge and a sound understanding of:
- The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD);
- The Nagoya Protocol on ABS;
- Concepts and mechanisms for access to genetic resources (GR) and the associated traditional knowledge (ATK);
- The concept of fair and equitable sharing of benefits, of providers and users;
- Communication, education and awareness raising tools.
At the end of the training course, which was deemed satisfactory, the participants pledged to make effective contributions to the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol in the regions and ease access to information on ABS through an established platform.
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