Africa Adaptation Newsletter Issue 14
Please download the: Africa Adaptation Newsletter Issue 14
The Africa Adaptation Knowledge Network (AAKNet) is pleased to present the 14th Issue of the Africa Adaptation Newsletter.
This issue focuses on the implications of Paris Climate Change COP 21 Agreement as well as offers a comprehensive overview of the latest POLICY NEWS, PROJECT NEWS, EVENTS AND CLIMATE WARNINGS.
For more Information, please consult the following PDF Documents:
WWF: Rainforest deforestation more than doubled under cover of coronavirus -DW
Read more … WWF: Rainforest deforestation more than doubled under cover of coronavirus -DW
Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park Monthly update April 2020
Read more … Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park Monthly update April 2020
Resources and follow-up from the virtual FAO-EcoAgriculture Partners Roundtable
Read more … Resources and follow-up from the virtual FAO-EcoAgriculture Partners Roundtable
ATIBT -CBFP: Private Sector mobilized around the CBFP Facilitator of the Federal Republic of Germany
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