Linking Sustainable Forest Product Supply Chains through Asia


Just over a month remains until the event - Linking Sustainable Forest Product Supply Chains through Asia – takes place in Kuala Lumpur. From companies seeking to secure and grow their sourcing options for wood from responsibly managed forests, to civil society and intergovernmental organizations working in support of the industry transformation towards a sustainable forest industry, the event is attracting a wide range of stakeholders united by their common objective to advance and link sustainable timber supply chains in Asia.


As space is limited and we’re approaching our limits, people are encouraged to register now!


PEFC Stakeholder Dialogue: Linking Sustainable Forest Product Supply Chains through Asia
14 & 15 November 2013 (Istana Hotel, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia)

Register Now!

Asia holds the key to unlocking the production and trade of sustainable forest products. The region’s forest wood processing industry has grown massively over the past 15 years gaining international recognition for production of forest-based products. With continued growth in demand projected in domestic and international markets the future looks bright. But improvements need to be made in sustainability and transparency if the industry’s development is to make optimal long-term contributions to people, economy, and the environment, and give confidence to markets.

Leaders and experts from across the forest sector landscape will take stock and identify opportunities to catalyze uptake of sustainable practices within the region. The discussions will be guided by contributions from:

They will be joined by forest certification organizations from across the region, including the Chinese Forest Certification Council (CFCC), the Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC), and the Indonesia Forest Certification Cooperative (IFCC).

Register now and join participants representing non-governmental organizations, companies, industry associations, inter-governmental organizations, national certification systems and governments who share an interest and commitment to advancing sustainability in the forest sector to work together to:

  • Discuss the status and forecast for sustainable forest production & trade in Asia
  • Identify and address current bottlenecks in supply chains across forest product sectors
  • Share experiences in striving to deliver sustainability
  • Propose conditions required to mainstream sustainable production & trade in the region

Side events will be held on 15th November to allow for in-depth discussion amongst participants on a range of topics including how to develop national forest certification system, timber legality assurance systems, agroforestry and smallholder certification, the RAFT partnership, and PEFC Chain of Custody certification.

The 4th PEFC Stakeholder Dialogue, which is part of the PEFC Forest Certification Week, follows previous dialogues on topics such as biomass, forestry & climate change, and expanding forest certification in the tropics. It is preceded by the PEFC General Assembly, which welcomes PEFC members and invited guests, including governmental delegation from across Asia and beyond interested in supporting the development of national forest certification systems in their own countries.

Further information:




Thorsten Arndt 
Head of Communications

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Our choice is by no means exhaustive and depends largely on our partners' notice. Every partner organisation is thus welcome to contribute to a rich variety of posted events and to share its schedule with CBFP's Facilitation and the other members! We may also, upon request, forward your input to the COMIFAC webmaster.