Africa Adaptation Knowledge Network (AAKNET) Workshop under the theme "Convening Adaptation Knowledge Networks and Platforms in Africa", Nairobi, Kenya


Africa is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Adaptation is a knowledge-intensive undertaking, and access to relevant and usable knowledge is an important prerequisite for successful adaptation efforts.  Against this backdrop, the Africa Adaptation Knowledge Network facilitated by UNEP under the umbrella of the Global Adaptation Network (GAN) is functioning as a knowledge hub on adaptation, promoting cooperation and collaboration in seeking robust solutions to climate change impacts using experiences and lessons learnt from the implementation of independent actions in different locations. Convening existing adaptation knowledge networks and platforms in Africa opens a window of opportunity for taking stock of the state of adaptation knowledge mobilization on the continent. Find out more…

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This calendar is based on information provided by COMIFAC and the Franco-German support office is considered a complementary event schedule to the official calendar posted on COMIFAC's website. ( It offers a broad overview of international and regional events that are directly linked to CBFP's objectives: major conferences and meetings, workshops and training sessions and other activities scheduled by CBFP Facilitation and its member organisations. 

Our choice is by no means exhaustive and depends largely on our partners' notice. Every partner organisation is thus welcome to contribute to a rich variety of posted events and to share its schedule with CBFP's Facilitation and the other members! We may also, upon request, forward your input to the COMIFAC webmaster.