Objet :
New Publication: The misuse of metaphors - Are payments for environmental services instruments for the commoditization of nature?
TRIDOM: Proposed classification of TRIDOM transborder biosphere underway!
- European Commission - Press Release: EU confirms its support for development of Central Africa
Report of the technical workshop to validate the methodological tools and structure of the revised convergence plan
Protected Areas and Extractive Mining Activities: Can they co exist?
GEF-WB-COMIFAC: Enhancing institutional capacities on REDD+ for sustainable forest management in the Congo Basin Project: 2013 report
France: Destruction of illegal ivory stocks seized in France
Ecofin Agency - Gabon: Olam sells forestry assets valued at 9 billion FCFA to a Chinese consortium
CoForChange Project: Improving the characterization of tropical forests to improve management - A Note for Policy Makers
COMIFAC-FAO: Expert consultations in Brazzaville on the development of the Central African wildlife management strategy
Gabon Government: Noël Nelson MESSONE, new Minister of Water and Forestry
IUCN welcomes Total’s ‘no-go’ commitment in World Heritage sites
Stimulating interim demand for REDD+ emission reductions: the need for a strategic intervention’ from the Interim Forest Finance project
France-Africa Summit tackles Elephant and Rhinoceros poaching
UN: Two resolutions on the DRC and CAR focus on poaching and the illegal ivory trade
Covering New Ground : State of the Forest Carbon Markets 2013 - Molly Peters-Stanley, Gloria Gonzalez, and Daphne Yin
GIZ: Monitoring and Evaluating Adaptation at Aggregated Levels: A Comparative Analysis of Ten Systems
- WWF: Close to half of the products sold in supermarkets contribute to the destruction of forests
TRAFFIC: UN Security Council targets poaching and wildlife trade with DRC sanctions
ZSL Cameroon Bulletin for the last quarter of 2013
- WWF, GFTN and TRAFFIC coalition against illegal logging
Spotlight on ... women's participation in community forestry in Gabon
A manual for national focal points for CMS and its instruments
- Fourth Assembly of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
...Upcoming Agenda items...FIPAC III, COMIFAC Convergence Plan Validation Forum, ...
Dear Partner,
Would you please check a compilation of articles and announcements posted recently on the CBFP website (www.pfbc-cbfp.org) as a database of the activities of our partners:
Readers' corner: our partners' publications
Oil and gas company Total has confirmed that it will not carry out extractive operations within natural World Heritage sites, including Virunga National Park. IUCN welcomes this decision and calls on all oil and gas companies to follow suit. Read more …
Immediate Action is needed to stimulate the Demand for REDD+ Emission Reductions. There is currently no source of demand that will pay for medium to long terme mission reductions from REDD+ in the Period between 2015 – 2020 (the interim Period). Read more …
The Ministry of Water and Forestry was not left untouched by the cabinet reshuffle which impacted both its name and its top leader. Henceforth, it will be known as the Ministry for Forestry, Environment and Protection of Natural Resources and will be headed by the distinguished diplomat Noël Nelson MESSONE...
Read more …
The discussions that followed the different presentations helped to harmonize the participants’ understanding, thus enabling them to define the scope of and shape the sub-regional wildlife management strategy to be developed. After the exchanges, the meeting moved into breakout group sessions that also allowed participants to define the vision, overall objective, specific objectives and 7 priority axes of the Wildlife Management Strategy Paper...Read more …
The fourth Steering Committee of the Enhancing institutional capacities on REDD+ for sustainable forest management in the Congo Basin Project, was held in Douala from 9 to 10 January 2014, bringing together the whole array of bodies involved in project implementation (CGP, national coordinating bodies and focal points) under the chairmanship of the ECCAS General Secretariat. Read more …
A Note for Policy Makers - Under the CoForChange project (http://www.coforchange.eu/fr/) a regional workshop was held in May 2012 in Brazzaville, which presented and discussed the project’s activities and results. CoForChange has now been completed and the project team is pleased to provide you with a policy brief prepared by the team, drawing on the results achieved... Read more …
In this media kit: (1) Destruction of illegal ivory stocks impounded in France (2) Trafficking in endangered species: France’s commitments and (3) The illegal trade in endangered species: an international network - Available for download, a WWF Press Release... Read more …
Payments for environmental services (PES) are frequently presented as "market-based" instruments on the grounds that they alter incentives, although the use of real markets is uncommon. If a market is defined mainly by the exchange of ownership rights, it can be proven that this is not the case with most PES, in which use rights are contractually suspended... Read more …
Expressing its commitment to the struggle, France has developed a national action plan to: "Fight elephant poaching and trafficking in ivory and other protected species." ...And more recently, France donated 10 Million Euro to Gabon to support the fight against poaching,... Read more …
Two resolutions adopted, one on the Central African Republic (CAR), the other on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), point to wildlife poaching and trafficking as drivers of conflict in Central Africa for the benefit of organized crime... Read more …
The United Nations Security Council took a critical step today in tackling elephant poaching and illicit ivory trade by addressing the link between instability in the Democratic Republic of Congo and wildlife trafficking... Read more …
Carbon finance is supporting the management of forests spanning 26.5 million hectares worldwide after businesses in 2012 injected a near-record $216 million into projects that plant trees, avoid deforestation, improve forest management, and support low-carbon agriculture... Read more …
EU Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs will today announce close to €3 billion in grants for countries and organisations in the region of Central Africa
1 for the period 2014-2020. The announcement will be made during a more than two-day event to discuss development cooperation with Ministers and other authorities of the involved countries and regional organisations.
This assertion is made in a short film directed by WWF, which clearly states the threats that exist against our forests due to the great number of manufactured products we consume on a daily basis and which are sold in our supermarkets. Please, click the link below to see:
The Secretariat of the Convention on CMS and the Agreement on AEWA has published a handbook for National Focal Points (NFPs) of the CMS Family involved in the implementation of the Convention and its instruments... Read more …
From 21 to 22 November 2013, the city of Douala, Cameroon hosted a technical workshop to validate the methodological tools and structure of the revised convergence plan. Hosted by COMIFAC, the workshop drew close to 70 persons with high intellectual potential and strategic planning expertise, from the COMIFAC Executive Secretariat, from the cooperation and programming departments of national administrations in charge of forestry and / or the environment, from sub-regional organizations, international partner members of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP), consultants and resource persons... Read more …
Olam International Ltd. sells some of its forestry assets to a Chinese consortium. The transaction, worth a total $ 9 billion CFA francs, involves two sawmills located in the Makankou region, tracts of land in the Nkok Special Economic Zone and forest concessions, according to the Gabon Review website. According to the group's management, the move "falls squarely in line with Olam’s revised strategy to restructure its portfolio."...Read more …
This question was at the centre of a 4-day consultation workshop hosted in Kinshasa by the IUCN- DRC office in collaboration with the WWF, with funding from MAVA and AFD (France- IUCN framework agreement) as well as UNESCO and GIZ. The meeting aimed to conduct brainstorming on the coexistence of protected areas (mainly World Heritage sites) and mining activities in the DRC... Read more …
From 18 to 19 January 2014, the city of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) hosted the fourth Assembly of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) as well as the Ministerial meeting on the initiative for an Africa Clean Energy Corridor which took place on January 17...Read more …
Content of the study: The study gives a unique and comprehensive overview of ten adaptation M&E systems at aggregated levels in industrial and developing countries. It provides an in-depth comparison of these ten systems by giving insights into different M&E approaches, the experiences with establishment and implementation processes (policy framework, level of aggregation and application, institutional set-up, different steps for M&E, level of required resources, etc.) and context-specific lessons learned. The study will soon be complemented by a comprehensive repository of relevant adaptation indicators with operationalized indicator examples of good practice.... Read more...
- ZSL Cameroon Bulletin for the last quarter of 2013
...Upcoming agenda items...
10.02.2014 - 14.02.2014 3rd World Congress on Agroforestry Delhi, India,
10.02.2014 - 14.02.2014 World Congress on Agroforestry 2014, Delhi, India
11.02.2014 - 12.02.2014 United for wildlife : Symposium: International Wildlife Trafficking
12.02.2014 - 13.02.2014 London Summit: Combating poaching and the trafficking of endangered species, London, United Kingdom
12.02.2014 GIZ/COMIFAC: Partners’ Meeting to Support COMIFAC Forest Governance Task Force (GTGF), Yaoundé, Cameroon
12.02.2014 CIFOR workshop to present the results of REDD + FORAFAMA (Supporting sustainable management of the Congo Basin and the Brazilian Amazon Basin forests) project - Hotel Mont Febe, Yaounde, Cameroon
16.02.2014 - 22.02.2014 RIFFEAC and Partners: 2014 Activity Planning Workshop of the Forest and Environmental Training Network in Central Africa (RIFFEAC) + 7th Board Meeting and 7th General Assembly, Douala, Cameroon
17.02.2014 - 21.02.2014 Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group Meeting on Socio-economic Considerations (Article 26 of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety), Seoul, Republic of Korea
20.02.2014 - 21.02.2014 COMIFAC: Workshop for the Validation of the Logical Framework and the Results Chain of the Revised Convergence Plan, Douala, Cameroon
22.02.2014 - 23.02.2014 REDD+ Symposium - Carbon Emission Reductions and Removals in Tropical Forests, Kobe, Japan
24.02.2014 - 28.02.2014 Third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Intergovernmental Committee for the Nagoya Protocol on Access and benefit-sharing
25.02.2014 - 28.02.2014 Capacity building on national forest monitoring systems for REDD + and the national GHG inventory systems: experience sharing through joint workshop ONU-REDD/LECB, Zambia
27.02.2014 - 28.02.2014 Sub-regional workshop to validate the revised Convergence Plan (To be confirmed)
27.02.2014 - 28.02.2014 Steering Committee MRV project (To be confirmed)
27.02.2014 Integrating Biodiversity Conservation in Forest Management
01.03.2014 - 06.03.2014 International Conference on Technology, Science and Climate Change,
04.03.2014 - 07.03.2014 ECCAS, Congo Government: Third edition of the International Forum of Indigenous Peoples of Central Africa (FIPAC3), Impfondo, Congo
04.03.2014 - 07.03.2014 REDD+, GIZ, UICN Project - REPAR Regional Workshop, Ebolowa, Cameroon
10.03.2014 - 14.03.2014 Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP)
10.03.2014 - 11.03.2014 The Gold Standard Conference 2014
10.03.2014 - 11.03.2014 WRI/PNUE/GEF: Steering Committee of the Project Entitled “Harmonized Approach for the Management of Production Forests in the Congo Basin”, Pointe Noire, Congo
13.03.2014 - 15.03.2014 Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP)
13.03.2014 - 15.03.2014 Sustainable resource management for climate change mitigation and social security, Indian Society of Tree Scientists - IUFRO, Chandigarh, India,
19.03.2014 Fifteenth RRI Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change, The Newseum, Washington, D.C., USA – „ Challenges of Carbon Rights and Implementing the New Warsaw Agreement on REDD+“
20.03.2014 - 21.03.2014 AGEOS -COMIFAC: International Conference on "changes in land cover and forest biomass in Central Africa", Libreville, Gabon
22.03.2014 - 30.03.2014 UNEP / GEF-COMIFAC validation Workshop and launch of the sub-regional project in the COMIFAC Members Countries on APA (To be confirmed)
24.03.2014 - 30.03.2014 ECCAS, Congo Government: Third edition of the International Forum of Indigenous Peoples of Central Africa (FIPAC3), Impfondo, Congo (To be confirmed)
24.03.2014 - 31.03.2014 UNEP/FEM, GIZ, COMIFAC: GTBAC 19 and Workshop for the Launching of the Sub-Regional Project of COMIFAC Countries on APA, Kinshasa, DRC
24.03.2014 - 31.03.2014 Second meeting of the sub-regional workshop SGTAPFS + validation study'' harmonization of legislation Protected Areas and Wildlife ", Libreville, Gabon (To be confirmed)
Job offers...
Register before 30 June 2014 for early bird rate - Submit your proposal for content before 15 March 2014 - Apply for sponsorship to attend - Receive news through social media or the newsletter...Read more …
To apply please send a resume and cover letter to Lauren Chitty, aurenchittyfs@gmail.com, no later than February 17, 2014... Read more …
All projects submitted to the Fondation Ensemble, under the Programs Fund and the Fund Microprograms, must involve the development to preserve the environment. Read more …
Under the RIFFEAC and the COMIFAC’s Project "Monitoring and national MRV Systems with a Regional approach in the countries of the Congo Basin (MRV Project)" , funded by the Congo Basin Forest Fund and AfDB implemented by FAO, two studies are planned - Terms of Reference are available at the CBFP website... Read more …
TRAFFIC is currently advertising for the role of Timber Trade Project Officer to be based in Nambia for a 34 month fixted term contract... Read more …
Newly Posted Job Vacancies Read more …
The award will recognize innovation and excellence in sustainable land management, particularly collaborative efforts that promote soil health and reverse land degradation, particularly in the context of climate change. Three winners will be selected by an expert jury which will grant awards from a total prize fund of up to USD 100,000... Read more …
World Resources Institute (WRI), an action oriented global organization most recently voted as #1 environment & natural resource think tank in the world is consistently recommended by staff as one of the "most desired organizations to work for"… Read more …
Deadline for applications: February 05, 2014... Read more …
Application Deadline: FEBRUARY 28, 2014... Read more …
Note that you project idea must be submitted by January 31, 2014 to be included under this request for project ideas...Read more …
Deadline for applications: February 14th, 2014 - How to apply? - Upload your covering letter and CV on Linkedin. We will not accept applications without CV and Covering Letter. Please make sure they are saved together as one file.... Read more …
CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: 16th February 2014...Read more …
TRAFFIC is seeking a number of short-term consultants to assist with a Forest Law Enforcement (FLE) project under Cameroon's Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife (MINFOF)...Read more …
Deadline 21 February 2014...Read more …
It would be greatly appreciated, if you can forward this information to your colleagues, friends or anyone who may be interested in the CBFP flash news. Please do forward your suggestions to dany.pokem@pfbc-cbfp.org I remain at your disposal for further information.
Best regards from CBFP Facilitation,
Tel: 0049 176 24 09 50 50
e-mail: dany.pokem@pfbc-cbfp.org
Internet: http://www.pfbc-cbfp.org/accueil.html http://ccr-rac.pfbc-cbfp.org